Tell Me the Truth

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Hey y'all, Spring Break is finally here.😭 Feels like forever tbh.


Rayne pov

"Boom, Boom, Boom, " all of a sudden hearing gunshots. Being pushed to the side, watching Dante pull a gun out his pants. "Did he have that this whole time?" I said to myself in disbelief.

Not really thinking at the time, I had a short time, to comprehend that these niggas were shooting. 

Seeing a couple of cars outside, shooting everywhere, Dante tackling me to the ground. "Stay here ma." He says. Before, moving towards the window. 

Stay down as I was told, as I say I silent prayer that everyone stays safe. Especially praying God watches over Dante and wherever Sydney is. 

Hearing tires screech, assuming they drove off. Not moving until Dante comes back over to me. Making me stand up, checking me over to make sure I was ok.

"I'm fine, are you ok? The fuck was that baes?" I question him. As he tells me to sit on the chair as he walks outside. As he comes back in tell me everyone is in fact still alive. 

"Hold up? You must've known this could have happened. Everyone in this house has a gun except me. Don't say I'm lying either." Turning my head towards him. Seeing that he's avoiding my eye contact. "She literally pulled a gun from under the couch."

Nodding my head in the girl's direction. I was going to point towards her, but I'm not crazy.

 Letting out a sigh, he sits on the table in front of me. "Look this is my homies house, they dibble and dabble with drugs and some other-illegal crap,"-yeah I figured." I say, cutting him off.

 I mean how slow did he think I was? Does he not know the books, tv shows, and movies I watch?

Getting off the chair I picked up the gun, that was on the kitchen table. 

Turning the safety off, I started messing with the gun."I should've been shooting." I said. In a blink of an eye, Dante snatches the gun out of my hand. 

 "It's not like you would actually let me shoot it." Rubbing my hand, giving him a stank face.

"Heck, I need to be a lawyer, so I can defend y'all. With everything y'all got going on." 

Watching him put the gun under the table. "You might have to." He said, laughing, pulling me in for a hug.

"AAHHH" I suddenly yell in his ear.

 Quickly running outside looking up, down, and around. You're probably confused at this.

 But, I just realized that my wife is somewhere, and I need to make sure she's okay."Sydney!Sydney!" I yell as loud as I can, looking for her. 

Falling on the ground like those people in the movies, by accident. I could honestly be an-actress, as dramatic as I am, regularly.

"I'm okay hun, I'm just helping clean up." Pulling my arm in the direction she was in, y'all know what I forgot.

I forgot that everybody out here saw my dumb behind. Dang, now they gonna know I'm crazy, better now than later. 

Making my way towards the front porch I see everyone picking up the glass. Some of them in a huddle talking and making phone calls.

"We gonna get them back, they must not know we some crazy nigggas. Yo watch, they don't know what the hell they just started, on my mama." I hear one of them say. Shaking my head I know that things are about to go downhill.

Cleaning the mess, I thought no one got hurt. But, some of them got hit and are being cleaned up in the living room. I tried to help, but they said they had it under control. 

Walking back outside I sat down on the steps, realizing that this really just happened. "What a day," I muttered.

Hearing a car screech I look up to see 3 different cars pull up. People rushing out the cars, asking what happened. Walking past me, up the stairs, in the house, with the others that were talking outside about what to do.

About to walk in the house after them to use the restroom. Something caught my attention, "Where's Dante? where's my boyfriend? Dante!" 

 Feeling a hand on my shoulder, jerk my head up to see the one and only. Walking past me, he walked over to her. I ain't gonna be petty, she real pretty.

She was light skin, light brown curly hair, that went past her shoulder. Taller than me, her body was to die for, especially them long nice legs. 

I ain't gonna hate on her. The thing is why is she calling Dante her "boyfriend?" If I remember correctly, he's mine.

Getting up I wrap my arms around his, walking up to her. "What you doing here? Why are you shouting my name?"He questions her, as I plaster the most sweetest smile on my face.

 But, she isn't paying me attention, which I'm fine with, look but don't touch and we'll be good.

Looking at Dante with the most confused expression ever. "Am I not allowed to say my boyfriend name.." That's all I heard before I swung my fist at...........


So how do you all like the book?

So what do you think is going to happen?

Have a wonderful day, until next time.

I Excite Him (Republishing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora