In This Togrther

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Im so sorry for how long it's taking me to update. It's a lot going on in my life right now. But, I will definitely try to update on Saturday's.

Dante's pov

After my mom dropped off some things, she and my little sister left. They all got to talk after we took a shower and changed. No not together.

Not even surprised they got along, just the relief knowing she accepted Rayne. Deciding to leave so she could go home and cook, not before boosting Rayne's head,

"Girl, you look so good!"

"Oouuu you got some hips on you. Do a 360 for me."

"We gotta hang out, without my annoying ass son."

Like damn ma, I step away to grab us some food, to come back to her talking crap.

So here we are on the couch eating lemon pepper hot wings and fries. As we watched Ride Along, even though she wanted us to watch the Hunger Games movie series.

Sitting my food on the table, as I got up to wash my hands. Making sure to grab some wet wipes for mamas.

Never in a million years would I ever would have thought I'll be in this position. Still alive, away from the place I was raised. My own place not having to worry about anything.

With the girl I love and would do anything to protect.

Yes, I said love. It's honestly not a secret, well I don't know if she knows that. Knowing I had a whole plan set up for tonight, I wanted to have a dinner beach date. Yes, I know I told her we could go to the pool, but we can do that any other time.

Calling Jason to help Sydney set everything up. Honestly trynna help him out, knowing he had a thing for her.

Rayne pov

Today has honestly been amazing so far, just being with Dante brings me so much peace and comfort. Although, it kinds of scares me that I'm developing feelings for him. My past relationship were horrible and the things I allowed, so unacceptable.

The cheating, lies, and the manipulation from those relationships, taught me so much. It made me realize not to ever wavier on my morals. Never to let things slide just because I want things to work after they showed me, they didn't care.

Expecting the bare minimum is utterly ridiculous, baby I deserve everything and more. I should never have to ask for dates, flowers, or even compliments.

I honestly believed your significant other will show you how much they care about you. The right person, will hear you the first time you say you don't like something and instantly take your feeling in consideration.

For example, if I say how I don't like something , whether-it be them being friends with their ex or a female that has feelings for them. They'll cut it off immediately with no hesitation and no questions asked.

With Dante, I honestly feel like he takes my feeling into consideration. He honestly wants to get to know me inside and out. That this isn't about sex, he's not trying to use me. Not knowing why I was overthinking, because I felt like he wouldn't hurt me if we do this.

It's about 7pm and its already dark outside, getting ready to go to the store to get some snacks. I wanted us to watch movies after we finished going to the pool. Although, he has snacks I was craving some chocolate and most of all some ice cream. So here we are at Walmart.

We split up, I went to grab my ice cream while he decided to go look at the games for his PlayStation. Telling him we we're definitely going to have to play call of duty later on. Walking towards the ice cream section, I stood their debating on whether I wanted cookies and cream, chocolate with fudge, or the chocolate ice cream cones with nuts.

"Hey, excuse me." Turning my head to see a tall black older man. Turning my head towards him, not having a chance to talk because he kept cutting me off. "Do you like perfume?" He asked. Shaking my head no, as he steps closer to me pulling a bottle out his bag.

Not even having the chance to comprehend what was happening. I instantly feel my body go numb and start getting dizzy. Grabbing on to the cart, trying to keep myself upright, before I start yelling. "He's trying to drug me! He's trying to drug me!"

Hoping someone would help me, "No! No, I'm not!" He said, before running away from me.

Placing my hands on my chest, trying to control my breathing. As an employee comes up me. "He's gone." I looked up at him, nodding my head. As he walks away from me, not even asking if I was okay. Seeing a female associate not to far from me. I walk towards her.

"Can I stand by you, I need to call my boyfriend?" I said, my voice cracking as my hands started to shake. Nodding her head, as I press his name.

"Mamas, I promise I'm almost d-" not even letting him finish. "Bae, I was just drugged." Not being able to hold in my sobs, immediately asking me were I was. As he stayed on the phone, seeing him running towards me.

Embracing me into a hug "Mamas, what happened? Are u okay? Who was it?" He asks frantically. All I could was shake my head, as I began having a panic attack. Slowly feeling myself drop to the ground, as he tries to keep my up. Not having the strength to strand, also trying to wrap my head around what just happened.

Feeling like I as dying as I continue to cry, as he holds onto me. Whispering in my ear, trying to calm me down.

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