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3122 words~
My chapters seem to be getting longer and longer 😂
Then a deep voice startled her.

"So, Chesca. You're Alpha Kaiden's mate."

His words caught her off guard just as much. Alpha Jackson sank onto the couch opposite and rested an ankle atop his knee casually. His sudden presence startled Chesca, but she recovered and removed her glasses to see him better. A light blue chambray button up stretched over his impressive chest, the sleeves rolled up to below his elbows, dark blue jeans wrapped around his sturdy legs, and navy loafers finished off his casual yet handsomely stylish look. An easy smile rested on his face, a light in his eyes as if he knew an inside joke.

"Is that all I am? Kaiden's mate?" her eyes narrowed in an effort to study him better. "The fact I'm Alpha Chesca means nothing to you?" she tilted her head and regarded him carefully. His mood had never been easy to read, and right now she couldn't tell if he was playful or serious, complimenting or slightly insulting.

"Chesca, Chesca, you are many things," he tutted, the blue of his eyes sparkling and his bulging biceps splayed on the top of the couch where his arms rested. "Being Alpha is not merely the most important."

"Ahhh, then perhaps it's the 'Alpha's daughter'. Is that what you still see me as?" she smirked and raised a knowing eyebrow.

"Deary me, you know I always thought of you as more than that," he leaned back and stretched his arms behind his head, clearly relaxed.

She took a few slow breaths as she studied his face. "Is that so?" she eventually said, after grappling for something witty to say. She didn't believe him for a minute, but would play along to humor him. He may have always flirted with her back when they were teenagers, but there was nothing behind his flattering words, and they both knew it. At least, she thought she knew it. He treated every girl like that, right?

"Of course," he shifted forward on his chair and took her hand gently between his own. The gesture warmed her in an unexpected way, and to her own surprise, she didn't feel like pulling away. They smiled at each other for a few moments, each remembering the past with entirely different perspectives most likely.

Jackson suddenly leaned in closer, but the words he planned on saying were stifled in his mouth as Kaiden appeared suddenly, causing Chesca to immediately snatch her hand back. A blush grew on her cheek and she squirmed as if caught doing something bad. An image of her father scolding her flashed through her mind.

"Hey, what have I missed?" Kaiden asked jovially and sat down beside Chesca. Very closely beside her, going so far as putting his arm around her shoulders. The move was very possessive, she noted, and the way he cast dark eyes at Jackson made it clear he wasn't happy with them spending time together. She brushed off the hand on her shoulder and turned to Kaiden.

"Nothing really, just catching up."

"Actually, I was remarking how Chesca hasn't aged a day since I last saw her. Alpha duties become her," Jackson spoke confidently, sending a not so subtle wink her way.

"And you haven't matured at all since I last saw you," she threw back. The growl that emanated from the man beside her sent shivers down her spine, but Jackson just chuckled, his gaze going from her to Kaiden and back again.

"You've got yourself a real keeper, you have," Jackson nodded his head knowingly, an amused grin on his lips.

"So I've been told," she looked at Kaiden and raised an eyebrow, as if to say Behave yourself and What in the world is wrong with you? Weren't two Alphas allowed to talk without Kaiden monitoring the entire conversation? If he felt jealous of Jackson or disgruntled about her spending time with him, she had no idea why. There was nothing between her and Jackson, and never would be.

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