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So I originally planned to end the story at the last chapter, but then I came across this beautiful picture above and immediately thought of Kaiden and Chesca ☺️☺️ so I just had to give them another look in to see how they're going 😘♥️


3267 words

He had no idea what had led him to this moment.

For years, Kaiden had been wondering. Asking himself where he was going and what lay ahead for him. Doubting himself, fighting his father for his rights, and growing resentful towards his remaining family over the things he couldn't control. As an Alpha, there was much he wanted to control, yet little he could actually do given the circumstances. But maybe that was his first mistake—to not trust himself enough to change his own life for the better.

Then when he let things take their own course, when he let his father push him to the brink of despair, he nearly destroyed everything. He nearly destroyed the one good thing life had planned for him. The other half of his soul had lain within his reach, and Kaiden had nearly crushed her. He'd been a fool, but didn't it take a warrior to admit that? He could plainly see now how foolish his actions were, and that took wisdom—to recognise and admit to one's mistakes. If the loss he'd suffered taught him anything, it was to persevere and do right no matter how hard the struggle, for consequences were always worse.

Yet now here he was, staring at his reflection in the mirror, studying the remnants of scars on his chest. The marks on his face had nearly disappeared, and Kaiden marvelled at the fading reminders of the horrors they'd survived. His skin had become nearly flawless, and the pain was gone. The strength of the completed mate bond had enhanced his Alpha healing abilities, and would continue to do so, he imagined.

For right now, on the other side of the bathroom door was his beautiful mate, lying peacefully asleep in his bed. The memory of the passions they'd shared last night still tingled over his skin, telling him he would never get enough of her. Kaiden would never stop loving her with every beat of his heart, or every breath in his lungs. God only knew how many sins he needed to atone for, hurting his precious mate not being the least of them. But he would spend the rest of his life proving to her how devoted and changed he was.

Sliding the door open silently, he remained on the threshold and observed Chesca for a moment as she lay on her stomach, the sheets gently covering the rise and fall of her back as she breathed. Early morning sunlight streaming through the window above their bed illuminated her golden blonde hair, and his fingers ached to tangled themselves in it, his lips to explore the contours of her perfectly sculpted face and neck.

He watched as she stirred in her sleep, then felt her heart quicken at the cooler air that now caressed her exposed foot. Crossing the room, Kaiden knelt and placed a kiss on the skin of her ankle, pushing the sheet back and kissing up her leg. Her muscles responded, and he heard her intake of breath. Before she could roll over, he reached up and held her around the waist firmly. Kissing all the way up her body, he was mesmerised by the silky feel of her skin against his lips, intoxicated by her sweet scent.

Paying careful attention to her back, his tongue traced the thin pink lines on her otherwise flawless skin—the scars his father had left. Seeing them still churned Kaiden's stomach, igniting the hate he felt towards his now dead father, stirring the sorrow he felt at how cruel Elbert had been to Kaiden's pack, his mother, his brother, and his precious mate. But nothing would ever touch Chesca again, Kaiden vowed in his heart as he memorised every line of her body, every note of her scent.

When she giggled, his lips curled up in a smile and he sighed in pure bliss.  "Good morning, Beautiful."

"Hey, Handsome," she replied, twisting her neck to look at him over her shoulder.

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