Ch. 11: And Back Again

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Naqam startled so badly he very nearly fell out of the loft window of the barn when something hit him in the shoulder, waking him up. He scrambled to regain his balance, then looked into the early dawn light of the just-rising sun.

Spears of sunlight were thrown past the pink and orange clouds into a silver sky, casting everything in a soft, golden illumination. The hills appeared to be gilded, the leaves of the trees like emeralds and soft jade. The sunrise had turned the valley into a jeweled paradise.

Hatter stood in the yard, looking up at him with an amused smirk. He tossed something up and down in the palm of his hand, and Naqam frowned at him.

He threw whatever it was, the projectile whistling past Naqam's shoulder as he ducked to the side. Turning, he found a small pebble nestled in the hay, and scowled down at the Real Worlder. Irritated and still a little groggy, he said, "You could have just shouted, you know. I'm a light sleeper."

"I know," Hatter said simply, before turning around to walk back to the house. Naqam ground his teeth in irritation. Then he stood up, looking out over the lush fields spread out below him. He looked back at Hatter when he said, "Hurry up and get ready. We're leaving in an hour."

"What?" Naqam asked blankly.

Hatter turned around. Holding his palms up toward the sky, his elbows slightly bent at the side, he shrugged, and said, "Wouldn't want to keep the King waiting, now would we."

He barked out an amused laugh before disappearing into the house. Naqam's heart leapt as he remembered everything from last night.

They were going to Spade Castle!

Naqam pulled his boots on, then gazed speculatively at the ground. It wasn't that far away.

With a sigh, he stepped out of the window, hurtling toward the soft grass below. As soon as the balls of his feet met the ground, he tipped forward and curled into a ball, the back of his shoulder pressing lightly into the grass. He rolled harmlessly over the ground, letting the energy of the fall carry him, rather than try to stop dead. He popped back up to his feet, and turned as he heard a disgusted scoffing sound.

Adira stood on the porch with her arms crossed, dark eyes narrowed at him. Her hair was once again pulled back in a sleek ponytail, dressed in clothes that hugged her curves. Naqam had never met a woman who would dress like that.

The servants he was used to would wear loose trousers and long tunics if they weren't wearing dresses. He didn't want to admit it, but there was something rather appealing in being able to see the shape of her, even if he hated her guts.

She stalked down the steps and came toward him. He stood tall and straight, refusing to be cowed by this woman, especially now that he knew she was actually afraid of him.

Her fingers trailed over the whip curled at her hip, and said, "Do I need to tell you?"

He grinned, making sure to flash his exaggerated canines. "What? That if I do anything vaguely suspicious, you'll kill me?"

Adira merely stared at him, her black eyes reflecting tiny, dark versions of him in each iris. She had very long lashes. Then she shook her head and muttered, "I think you've been spending too much time with him."

This confused Naqam, and his smile dropped. Uncertainly, he looked toward where Hatter was crouched over a pack, making sure the rifle he was wrapping in a cloth was properly covered and protected. His gaze went back to Adira when she said, "Nothing has changed here, Heart. He might think you can change, but I know better. No one changes, and I'll be there when you show us your true colors."

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