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The walk home felt three times as long as it actually was, probably due to Arden's little revelation not half an hour ago.

Mycah in his tipsy state did not even know how to comprehend this new information. And as for Arden, he was giving nothing away by literally acting as if nothing had happened. It was driving Mycah crazy.

"What the hell was that about?" He eventually went sputtered, head whirring.

"What, exactly?" Arden drawled, turning to face him lazily.

Now Mycah wondered if Arden was being purposely dense, or was just too drunk to remember what he had done.

"Your little confession! Never have I ever?" Mycah pressed exasperatedly, his drunken tongue tripping slightly over his own words.

"Confession? Never have I ever?" Arden said with confusion, stumbling his step slightly.

Ah, definitely drunk.

"You seriously don't remember? Dude, it was half an hour ago." Mycah deadpanned, words slightly slurred.

"I'm messing with you. Of course I remember." Arden shrugged, staring straight ahead.

Relief washed over Mycah. He certainly didn't want to have to be the one to remind Arden of his antics tomorrow morning, when they both would be sporting killer hangovers and tensions would be higher than usual.

The buzz of the alcohol made it hard for him to think straight, but even through his hazy thoughts Arden's confession, or really confessions plural, were clear as day.

He was too far gone to piece together much else, other than the fact that;

a) Arden has been in a secret relationship at some point during high school, and

b) Arden had been with another guy.

And considering that Mycah had never once heard word that Arden was anything other than straight, it wasn't far off for him to assume that Arden's secret relationship was with said boy.

Really, it was all a bit of a shock. Arden the angel did play the role of perfect heterosexual white male down to a tee. And now one of those things was possibly not true, and spoiler alert: Arden was still Caucasian.

"And? Care to ebalorate." Mycah shook his head, that didn't sound right. "Etalorate? Elaborate? That's the one."

"Perhaps no." Arden said simply, bewildering Mycah. How was this boy so sober? Then again, the game of never have I ever had been a lot more tolling on Mycah then it was on Arden. At the end of the day, that boy was innocent as shit.

"Not all of us are as experienced as you." Arden drawled, and then Mycah realized he had said that last part out loud.

"Just cause you're a prude." Mycah shot back.

"You would think that." Arden snapped.

"Arden. Tell me." Mycah whined, shoving the other boy.

"Mycah. No." Arden replied mockingly, picking up his pace. The house was nearing and Mycah's chance was slipping away with every passing second.

"I'm getting answers out of you." He said adamantly, earning him a snort from Arden.

"Good luck with that."

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