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*unedited- will edit later just wanted to give you all a lil present for being the best readers ever xx*

"Mycah c'mon! We can't leave them waiting any longer!" Arden bellowed up the stairs, checking his watch in agitation.

"I'll be down, just give me a minute!" Mycah shouted back, adjusting his shirt once more in the mirror before grabbing his phone and wallet and taking the stairs two at a time.

Arden was waiting at the door, tapping his foot impatiently. Mycah couldn't help but notice how good Arden looked, dressed up for the night out of clubbing they had planned with the group.

"Took your time-" Arden began, but stopped short when his eyes landed on Mycah. His eyes widened slightly, a blush forming on his cheeks.

Mycah smirked. He knew wearing the lighter shirt was the right judgement call. "Like what you see?" He smirked, snapping Arden's attention back.

Arden sputtered, trying to defend himself before eventually just giving up and flipping Mycah off in resignation. "Fuck you."

"Bet you'd like to." Mycah muttered back smugly.

"What?" Arden choked, turning to face him in exclamation.

"Hmm? I said nothing." Mycah answered innocently.

"You're so fucking annoying." Arden replied, shoving him lightly. "Now cmon, the others will be getting impatient."

They walked together, shoulders bumping every once in a while. They pretended not to notice how close they were next to one another.

It had been a few days since the whole storm situation, and their parents could not believe the change that had come over their relationship. Bickering was at an all time minimum, no more then one argument a day. They started hanging out, watching tv together and chilling at the beach. In the past, it was a struggle to get them to sit next to each other at a dinner party, now they willingly sat together at meals.

The constant vicious bickering or silent treatment regime was gone, replaced instead with a steady flow of conversation. Though it goes without saying that there was still the occasional argument. I mean, they were Arden and Mycah after all.

"Do you notice what's going between Connor and Felix or am I the only one who sees t?" Mycah spoke up suddenly.

Arden snorted. "Of course I see it. Everyone sees it."

Mycah nodded. "Knew it."

"I mean, it was obvious from the moment we met them, no? According to Katie, Felix has only ever been with girls before this, always assumed he was straight until Connor."

"That's cute." Mycah remarked, smiling slightly. God, it had been so long since he himself was in a relationship.

"He hasn't told Katie properly yet, but he knows she knows. It's kind of like an unspoken fact between them." Arden said.

"Twin power." Mycah replied.

Arden laughed. "Maybe, yeah. But I don't know if he realizes the rest of us are clued in, so say nothing for know. Connor on the other hand, he knows we know."

"He told you that?" Mycah asked.

"More or less. Not straight out, I mean I guess neither of them are going to properly say it until they agree to. But Connor's observant, he realizes how obvious their relationship is to the rest of us."

"They are an unlikely pair." Mycah mused. He had heard of the best friends turned lovers scenario, but only ever in fiction. It was cool to witness it first hand.

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