Chapter 5

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Lauren twiddled her thumbs after she stopped the car once they reached the campus.

"Something wrong, Lo?" Camila asked.

"I just wanted to ask you, would you like living with me in an apartment?" Lauren blurted out, trying to get it over with.

"Uh..." Camila thought.

"I mean with also the three other girls! We won't be alone there or anything." Lauren said as she bit her tongue.

"...of course! I'd love to, Laur." Camila said and Lauren grinned reaching over to give Camila a hug.

Camila smiled and returned the hug as the two stayed like that for a couple of minutes.

Lauren started up the car again and drove.

"Where are we going? Are you kidnapping me?!" Camila exclaimed putting her hand over her mouth.

"No, silly. We're going to buy the apartment. The girls know how it'll look like and such but you don't. I'm about to call saying to stop the wait and I'm buying it right now." Lauren said as Camila nodded.


Lauren got out of the car and went to the front, putting her shades up.

"Name?" The big guy with a beard asked Lauren.

"Jauregui. Lauren Jauregui." Lauren simply said and the man widened his eyes as his quickly grabbed a pair of keys.

"Your room, ma'am. Feel free to call room service, or anything really. Please." The man quickly said and Lauren smiled as she grabbed the keys.

"Someone's swooned over you." Camila muttered.

"I only want one person swooned over me, honestly." Lauren said as they stepped in the elevator.

"...who?" Camila asked inching her eyebrow up than usual.

"This girl whose name starts with a C." Lauren said and Camila frowned slightly.

It could be, but it probably won't be, Camila thought to herself.

"Oh." She mumbled.

"You seem jealous there." Lauren laughed loudly as the elevator dinged, opening.

"Lo..." Camila trailed off as the two got off the elevator and Lauren led the way to the room.

"You wanna know what the name is?" Lauren asked.

"Yes," Camila muttered as Lauren put the key in the door.

"Her names Camila." Lauren said as Camila's eyes dropped but widened when she realized that was her real name.

Camila. Wait! My name's Camila, Camila thought.

"You wanna know her last name?" Lauren said as she started feeling herself heat up.

"I think I know, but yes. Say it."

"Cabello." Lauren said as the two entered the apartment mansion.

Camila blushed but turned fully red as she looked around the place. Camila was stunned by how big the place was and how much it cost.

"Lo...this is a huge place for an apartment, and the's so beautiful." Camila said breathlessly.

"The view is quite beautiful," Lauren said staring at Camila but turning her head when Camila turned to smile at Lauren.

"You can afford THIS?" Camila asked in awe of where she actually was standing and would be living in.

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