Chapter 9

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"Hey Chancho." Dinah called out and Camila's head whipped up from her phone as she sat with her legs crossed on the couch.

"Yeah Cheech?" Camila asked.

"Have you recently talked to Austin?" Dinah asked.

Camila shook her head and raised an eyebrow curiously. "Why?"

"He's been talking to his friends saying he dumped you because he found a new girl and you've been agreeing. He was talking about it on the phone while I was in the damn room and I asked him about it and he said it was true but I don't believe that douche."

"What the fuck?" Camila said as she stood up from the couch.

"I KNEW IT." Dinah said glaring down.
"I have to go assure things." Camila said as she grabbed her jacket putting it on.

"You can't go alone." Normani said from the stairs.

"Wait, why?"

"You're going to Austin's place, right?" Normani said nervously.

"Yeah...his dorm."

"You can't go alone. You can't. Please don't." Normani said knowing he could hit Camila since he was so careless about hitting Lauren but Normani couldn't tell Camila about the Lauren thing or talk about it. Only Normani knew, Austin had done that to Lauren.

"I'll be fine." Camila said as she walked out the door.

"Mani, care to share something about why she can't go to Austin's place alone?" Dinah asked eyeing her.

"She just can't."

"There has to be a reason, dawg."

"There is."

"Then tell me."

"I can't."

"Pero why."


"MANI." Dinah said as she ran over to Normani.

"Spill." Dinah said wanting answers.

" know how Lauren was beaten up and she got jumped? Austin actually hit her. He was mad and angry. I don't want Austin to hit Camila, it could happen." Normani confessed as Dinah's face turned pale.

"God damn it, we have to get over there NOW." Dinah exclaimed as she grabbed Normani's hand.

"Where's Lauren?" Normani quickly said.

"Park, she's jogging around." Dinah said.

"Text her, she does a bunch of fighting stuff. She can help Camila out, if anything happens." Normani said as Dinah nodded, quickly taking her phone out as they hurriedly went out the door.


Camila knocked on Austin's door and his room mate appeared.

"We meet again," Shane said smiling at Camila.

"Where's Austin?" She quickly said.

"He's at his car in the parking lot. What's up?" Shane said concerned.

"Did he tell you that he broke up with me?"

"Oh yeah, he was bragging about that shit and he was telling his friends. I think that's what he told Becky because she was concerned about what was going around....wait is that not the story? Did you break up with him when I told you to?"

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