Chapter 21

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"Allison Walker?" Anastasia asked, trying to keep the surge of anger at bay until she was sure she had the right target.

The girl smiled like she didn't know what heinous crimes she had committed. "Yeah. How'd you know?"

"You were just on stage," Anastasia pointed out, and the girl nodded. Anastasia then added: "Of course, you also ruined my life."

Anastasia watched as Allison friend innocence, looking almost genuinely shocked and surprised by the accusation. It took a moment for the smile to reappear.

"I'm sorry, I must have misheard you. Could you repeat yourself?"

Anastasia wanted to punch that smug smile away. "I had a plan to become Prima ballerina. You and your pity wins keep getting in the way."

She was still feigning confusion and it made Anastasia seeth. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was such a big deal."

"Ballet is not a game. Ballet is a sport. Ballet is my life. And you would do well to stay out of my way."

Anastasia wished she could storm off dramatically, but her crutches limited her to turning away from the new girl. She turned on her phone and ordered a limousine on her dad's account. Maybe she couldn't make a dramatic exit on foot, but the luxury of a nice ride would make her seem a little more powerful.

Maybe this Allison girl would give up her misguided scheme if she saw just how powerful Anastasia could be.

"I was only trying to help Tabitha." The Allison girl muttered.

Anastasia didn't justify that with a response. Sure, the hospital kid was a good cover story, but it was clear the girl was in it for the glory and fame. It wouldn't have been a problem, but Anastasia had built her entire life around the sport that Allison was turning into a popularity contest.

Her phone buzzed to let her know her limo had arrived, and she stood. Even as the speaker worked on her closing speech, Anastasia limped out of the building on her crutches. As she reached the back door, she looked back at Allison and mouthed five words.

"Stay out of my way."

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