Chapter 23

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Anastasia's second date with Luke was less of a date and more of a prolonged conversation. After an eventful few days, they had promised each other to explain a lot of things, and Luke had invited Anastasia to do it over a cup of coffee. When one cup turned into three and three turned into seven, they were both too drunk on caffeine to go home, and wandered the town under light of a full moon.

"Why are you so set on the Prima Ballerina thing?" Luke asked as they walked. They kept the pace slow so Anastasia would be comfortable on crutches.

Anastasia sighed. "Its kind of a long story."

Luke smiled. "There's no way I'll sleep on this caffeine. I have all night."

There was a long pause before Anastasia explained.

"When I was a toddler, I had these Nannys. My parents are pretty rich, so they were the best in the business, but I was like two or three, and I knew my caretakers weren't my parents. I longed to have a mother and father like all the kids in story books.

"And a few nights a years, I actually did. Whenever my parents were in town, they did a press release and they always liked a cute human interest piece. Pretty quick they figured out I was a good prop for pu pic photos. Having  me around made them look caring. So whenever they were in town, they would dress me up and take me to the local theatre to watch a ballet.

Luke interrupted with: "So you felt like your parents love for you was attached to ballet?"

"Absolutely, and that's why I started. But it actually goes deeper than that."

"Okay, then absolutely continue."

"When I was like six, is been dancing for three years, and I actually looked forward to those ballet trips for the ballet part. So when I heard the Prima was going to be in town for a couple of days, I begged and begged for tickets.

"Did they say no? Are you doing all this because they wouldn't take you to see her?"

"No. Please let me finish."

"Sorry. I don't do well on caffeine."

Anastasia continued. "My parents actually agreed that it was a great idea, or at least a great photo op. They bought backstage passes and promised to personally take me to the show. I have never been that excited for anything to this day.

"The day of the show, my parents call from Saudi Arabia, say they need to finish working out a trade deal. One of my nannies used her day off to accompany me down to the theatre. Even while wearing my favorite tutu I cried through half of the best ballet show in my life. By intermission, my excitement to meet the Prima exceeded my sadness by just enough that I could enjoy the show. When I got backstage,  I had basically forgotten my parents enough to be happy.

"When I saw the Prima, I ran up to her and gave her this huge hug. She picked me up an squeezed me and called me the cutest little ballerina she had ever seen.

"Then, completely innocently,  she turned to my nanny and said: 'And you must be the mother of this loveky little girl.'

"And remember, I was like six, so this was a big deal. I cried again and explained to this complete stranger how terrible my parents were. She listened like she really cared. At the end, she told me that her parents used to ignore her too, and that she had tried and tried to get them to love her. But even then, once she was the Prima Ballerina, they weren't proud of her. She told me not to worry about my parents, and instead to find something that made me happy. Ballet made me happy, and I guess I always wanted to be like that Prima."

There was a pause as Luke mulled over what she had said. Finally, he spoke.

"Does ballet really make you happy though? From whay I've seen, it's a lot of pain. Even without the physical pain, the stress must kill you."

"It's certainly a lot...but once I get out in the dance floor, I forget all that. When I'm performing, I'm happier then basically any other time."

"But why the push forward? Why is it such a big deal that you succeed?"

"I may not be able to prove myself to my parents, but I can still prove myself to me."

Luke nodded, and neither brought up the topic again. Instead, their night was filled with lighthearted conversation and giggling, smiles and sweetness. As he left her on her porch and the moon was beginning to dip low in the sky he smiled and pulled her close. With the gentle touch if a butterfly, he placed a kiss upon her lips. Her first kiss.

"Goodnight Anastasia." Luke smiled and as he walked away, Anastasia absolutely melted.

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