চার 4 চার (UPDATED 12/17/2023)

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The Kalindi River was majestic. The sapphire waves rushed and slapped all the structures around him.

He sensed that much time had passed since his last visit to this sacred place.

As he gazed upon the water, Vijay's body felt as if he was floating on air. He looked around to determine if his suspicions were true only to find that he was sitting on a raft. His eyes caught a glimpse of his clothes and he was reminded of garments which had been worn in ancient times.

As he floated up instead of down the river, he saw a bright light emanating out of the water.

Drawn to it, Vijay leaned over the raft to see where it was coming from when something pulled him under.

There she was.
Indie was fixed in one spot.
A bright ball of light held her entranced.

He swam over to her and the moment they locked eyes with one another, their bodies were drawn together.

Reaching out as one, their hands met in the light. A strong surge rushed up each arm swirling itself around each heart. An urge to kiss moved him to her and her to him.

Vijay burned deep inside to taste her lips.

In all his life, he never needed a woman to want him. He could care less if a woman desired him or not, but in that blink of time, he needed her.

A frantic pressure rose in the pit of his stomach and nothing would quiet the pulsing sensation in his body, except her.

When she laced her fingers through his hair and pulled Vijay down to meet her kiss, the two experienced nirvana. With just a touch, an electric shock raced into his soul.

As their lips entangled with one another's the couple was thoroughly consumed by an all-encompassing flame.



Water rushed frantically around her feet even though it lacked the power to move her. Indie's eyes were drawn up to the sky and her heart called out to her that it was the clearest bright cerulean blue she had ever seen.

Crisp air swirled around her as she finally came to see her surroundings. She was standing right in the middle of a creek that flowed directly into a massive river. On one side there was a tiger and on the other bank, stood an elephant. Both animals kneeled down to sit while observing her with curiously wide eyes.

A rush materialized from nowhere sweeping her up in its raging waters. At first, she fought with all her might terrified that she would drown until something hooked onto her ankle dragging her deeper into its tealish murky depths. Indie reasoned with herself that she wasn't drowning despite being submerged in the river.

The strange situation produced no tightness in her chest or a frantic need to breathe. All that stood out to Indie in that moment was a brilliant ball of light singing as it enticed her closer to it.

She glided to the light.
She hovered in front of it.
Though it called out, Indie was still unclear about the reason she found herself in that place.

When she closed her eyes briefly, soon they fluttered open again to witness a man with strong determined strokes heading towards the submerged version of her. His clothes seemed to be garments from a different time. They reminded her of the costumes she adored from the old foreign films she had indulged in with her mother. Once he reached her, she saw it was the same man from the restaurant.

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