সূত্র The Source সূত্র (UPDATED 12/17/2023)

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He knew he must convince his parents of who she was and why she was here.

"Vah mere aatma hai." Vijay humbly submitted to his parents.

"Son, how is it possible for this woman to be your soulmate. Is she not American?" His mother rocked from side to side as she exhibited her displeasure.

"Young lady, what is your religion?" His father inquired.

"I am a Christian." Indie easily supplied the answer.

"This is not possible. It is not possible for a Christian and a follower of Hinduism to be soulmates. It doesn't make sense." His father was now angry at the ridiculous notion his son presented to him.

"Pita, maan. Please follow me. Please." Vijay placed his hands before himself as if he were praying. He pled with his parents to follow him and hear him out. The older adults followed their son as Indie followed them.

"I understand your frustration. I felt the same way when I first realized who she was. It wasn't until I saw something with my own two eyes that I knew this was the fulfillment of the prophecy." Their son led them into what looked like a library after unlocking the carefully secured door.

As they walked into the room, a noticeable change in the aura was felt. Love, peace, tranquility, and an overall sense of oneness filled the room. Each of Indie's drawings and paintings was set up in a display. Vijay's parents raised their hands to their mouths in sheer surprise as they walked by each piece of art.

"Where did you find these?" His mother whispered loud enough to be heard by those standing next to her.

"Everything you see was drawn or painted by Miss Indira Kalindi Gray." He stated.

"Who is this woman of whom you speak, son?" His father spoke through his hands.

"The same woman standing next to me is the same person who created everything you see," Vijay stated as he announced his fiancée. The tears in their eyes exposed the impact of what they were feeling. Vijay's parents drew closer to Indie and examined her as if she were a new and unique creature they had never seen before.

"Are you from India?" Mr. Chaudhuri spoke what was on his and his wife's mind.

"No, sir." She conceded.

"Have you studied our culture or our religion?" The older woman asked as she grasped Indie's hands.

"No, ma'am. I didn't study Indian culture or religions. These ideas just flowed from my mind and my heart." Tears flowed down the young woman's cheeks as she shared how everything happened in such a short time from the moment she touched Vijay's hand.

It was final. Vijay Maharaja Chaudhuri stood before his parents with Indira Kalindi Gray by his side. They gave their sincere blessing for the two young people to be married.

Even though the family was amazed at the beautiful gift sent to them by the gods, everyone sensed that their story had just begun.


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