Chapter 2

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Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home... it's your responsibility to love it, or change it.

- Chuck Palahniuk


She hurried from college to home.

Gauri, just like her name she is pure and innocent. She lost her parents in an accident when she was sixteen.

Her parents left a fortune for her, but Kaali Thakur, the landlord and Don of their locality, took all of them saying that her parents borrowed a huge sum from him.

For two years she somehow managed in a hostel by getting help from distant relatives. After that she enrolled herself in a University of architecture after getting scholarships.

"You got the first mark in last semester also. We are very proud  to have such a dedicated student." her lecturer appreciated her. She needed to keep her marks intact to get scholarships every year.

She never knew why she enrolled in this field. There were many engineering courses, but this caught her attention. Plus fee was also less. After joining, she started to love the course. Art became a passion for her. Just like him.

Next day, on the way to her college, she felt someone's gaze. She turned to check but found no one. She felt like someone was watching her for the past two days.

Again the next day, she went to a coffee shop, she was sitting by window side and was admiring the buildings in front of the shop.

Blame her intuition, she felt someone's gaze on her again. She turned around and found that a man was looking at her keenly.

Initially she thought Kaali was in town and watching her. She sighed in relief on knowing it was someone else. Wait, what if he was one of his men? She thought and started to panic.

When she turned 18, Kaali asked her to pay some more money, when she asked about the properties he looted from her, he said, they were principal amount, now, he wanted interest to be repaid.

She said him that, she will pay him after 4 years. He also threatened her saying that, if she didn't then, she has to be his mistress.

That time she agreed thinking that her course will be four years after getting a job she can pay him, but this course is five year one. So she is trying to escape from him by keeping a low profile.

Now this stalker is bothering her. She frowned at him, but he kept staring at her, but in a friendly way. But it made her uncomfortable.

She left the table as soon as she had the drink. She sighed in relief as soon as she entered the college.

She froze on her spot when she saw the same creepy stalker looking at her in evening outside their college campus.

Her eyes widened when he smiled at him. He is going to kidnap me!

Before he could make a move, she started to run. On the way, she searched for the pepper spray in her bag.

She felt him following her, correction, chasing her.

He was shouting at her, but she didn't want to hear anything. She kept on running. But poor her, she couldn't keep up the pace, soon he covered the distance between them.

That's it, I am sorry mister, but you deserve this. Mentally apologizing to him, she was about to press the pepper spray at him, he successfully dodged it and caught her hands.

Her breath hitched at the moment, but she didn't knew whether it was his dominating aura or his touch.

She withered in his arms, and started to shout for help.

"Shhh! I am not going to kidnap you! I need a favor, that's all." he spoke in gentle voice. He spoke as soft as possible, because he didn't want to freak her out.

She stared at him. Is this a new technique to kidnap? Favor? What does he want from her?

She calmed down, but inside she was freaking out.

He didn't leave her, because he was scared she would run off.

He stared at her, not knowing how to ask her.

"Umm, will you pose me for an hour" he asked.

"That's it? You could have asked me without freaking me out." she whisper yelled.

"Actually as semi nude?" he completed his sentence.

In return he crouched on the ground because of the pain inflicted by her in between his legs. Seizing this as an opportunity, she ran off.

He didn't anticipate she would kick him. He expected a slap, so only he blocked her hands. But he forgot about her legs. Damn!

"It is not what you think Miss." inspite of the pain, he shouted as loud as possible. But she didn't care, nor listen to him, she ran off in fear.


How is the chapter?
Longer than previous one right?

Will update the next one soon. Stay tuned.

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