Chapter 3

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Dany and Marisari were off to the side of Viserys, who was beside Lord Illyrio as they looked out at the sea.

"It won't be long now. Soon you will cross the narrow seas and take back your father's throne. The people drink in secret toast to your heath, they cry out for their true king."

"When will they be married?" Viserys asked Illyrio as they began walking back to the house.

Illyrio turned and looked at Viserys, "Soon, the Dothraki never stay in one place for too long." Marisari and Dany shared a sad look; soon they would be ripped apart from each other. Dany was not coming with them when they left, she had decided to stay with Lord Illyrio.

"Is it true they lie with their horses?" Viserys asked stupidly, and Sari had to fight back an eye roll.

Illyrio chuckled, "I wouldn't ask Khal Drogo that." And Sari couldn't help but let out a chuckle at that.

Viserys calmly turned around and slapped her across her cheek, causing her to let out a yelp of pain, before turning and asking Illyrio, "Do you take me for a fool?" as though he had never hit her at all.

Marisari shrugged off Dany's assistance and kept following the two men, all the while feeling her cheek throb.

Illyrio shook himself out of his shock and answered, "I take you for a king. King's lack the caution of common men; I apologize if I've given offence."

Viserys was rubbing his hand trying to get the sting out of it as he told Illyrio, "I know how to play a man like Drogo, I give him a queen and he gives me an army."

Dany stopped walking and took a deep breath, "I don't want Sari to be his queen. I want to go home, and I want her to go home with us."

Viserys, Illyrio, and Marisari stopped walking and looked back at Dany, shocked that she would speak out at her brother. Viserys walked over to her and said, "So do I, I want us all to go home, but they took it from us. So tell me, sweet sister, how do we go home?"

Dany, as if realizing her mistake, answered him hesitantly, "I-I don't know."

"We go home with an army, Khal drogo's army." Reaching over he rubbed Marisari's sore cheek and whispered to both girls, "I would let his whole tribe fuck you both, all 40,000 men and their horses too, if that's what it took." He then leaned over and kissed both girls on their foreheads before turning and walking away with Lord Illyrio trailing behind him.

Marisari sighed and linked arms with her little sister, "Come on dear, let us go inside."

Dany followed quietly but finally asked her, "Are you not angry at being sold to such a brutish man?"

Sari chuckled softly at her sister, "No, I'm not. You are young; you do not realize how handsome the Khal is. But I do. Besides when I marry Khal Drogo, Viserys can no longer do things like this to me." She motioned to her bruised cheek, "So no, I am in fact quite excited for this marriage."

Dany nodded her head in understanding, "Oh, but I'll miss you, Sari."

Marisari sighed and stopped and stood in front of her sister, "I know you will. And I will miss you too. But this marriage is a good thing for both of us. Viserys will be traveling with the horde and therefore can no longer harm you, and my husband to be will not let him harm me, so we will both be from under his thumb."

Dany smiled at the idea of no longer having to be afraid of their brother. Looking up at Sari she asked, "You will write to me, wont you?"

Marisari smiled down at Dany and gave her sister a hug, "Of course I will write to you. I'll write to you everyday."

Dany and she smiled at each other and linked arms once again, and began walking back to the house.


Walking through the garden's one last time before she left to go with her husband, Marisari came upon Lord Illyrio sitting on the same bench they had sat on a few days ago.

"My Lord Illyrio." Sari acknowledged him with a small curtsy.

Illyrio, slightly shocked to see her, asked, "My dear, what are you doing up at this hour?"

Marisari smiled at him as she sat on the bench, "I was taking one final stroll through your lovely gardens; they have brought me such solace and comfort in my time here."

Illyrio stood up and bowed to her, "Then I shall leave you to your walk, goodnight my dear."

As he began walking away, Marisari called out to him, "You knew the Khal would choose me. How did you know, My Lord?"

Illyrio gave her a mischievous smile and replied, "There were rumors of a prophecy about the Khal, I do not remember the whole thing, but I do remember it said something of him marrying a girl with fire in stead of hair atop her head. You are the only person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting with such a color."

Marisari was at a loss for word, there was a prophecy about her and the Khal? "I thank you, my Lord, for you honesty. I shall let you retire now. Goodnight my Lord." Giving him one final curtsy she walked away and back to her rooms.

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