Chapter 4

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Marisari sat beside her husband, watching the crude dancing of the Dothraki women as they were brought gifts from their many guests. The Khal had not said one word to her since the ceremony and it was making Marisari nervous, was she not agreeable to him? Did he regret his decision? Looking over to Dany she was rewarded with an encouraging smile, helping to ease her nerves some.

Sari was shocked at some of the gift they were receiving, what in the world would they need a chest full of snakes for? What would they do with them?

Marisari gasped when the man picked the snakes up with his bare hands, and saw from the corner of her eye the Khal smirking at her. He was very amused by his little wife's innocence.

Marisari turned to her husband hesitantly and asked him, "Are you enjoying the feast, my Khal?"

Khal Drogo grinned, pleased with the fact that she made an effort to speak with him. Turning his head to answer her, he caught sight of a dark bruise on her cheek. Reaching over he placed his hand against it and asked her in a deep, angered tone, "Whose hand did that come from, little wife?"

Sari froze upon hearing his question. What should she tell him? Should she answer truthfully? Taking a breath she told her husband, "The fault was mine, I laughed at my brother, and he was within his rights to punish me as my guardian."

Khal Drogo sent a deathly glare at Viserys, who shrunk back in his chair in fright. Reaching for his weapon as he stood, Drogo felt a hand on his arm and looked down at his little wife, who was pleading with him not to hurt her bother, Drogo frowned and sat back down.

Turning back to his little wife, Drogo told her, "After today he will never lay a hand on you again. I'll gut the cowardly little bastard myself if he does." His words earned a grateful smile from his wife, comforting her in a way he couldn't possibly understand.

Marisari opened her mouth to speak more but was disrupted by and ambassador for Qarth, as the man presented his gift he motioned for his servants to place it directly in front of the Khaleesi, putting the Khal on edge, no one had given a gift solely for the Khaleesi and he thought perhaps it was something dangerous, "Gifts from Prince Xaro, Khaleesi, as a sign of friendship and that he bears you and your brother no ill will for breaking your agreement."

Khal Drogo looked to his new wife for an interpretation of what the man had just said, and when she told him he was even more confused, "What agreement does the man speak of, wife?"

"Before you chose me to be your wife instead of my sister, my brother had sold me to Prince Xaro of Qarth to be his mistress in exchange for gold to buy ships with." Marisari explained to him quietly and she could see the anger clouding over his eyes once again.

Before Drogo could say anything else on the matter, the chest was opened and a little head popped out. It was the head of a baby dire wolf. And Marisari was reaching for it before anyone could move to stop her. The little creature whined in fright of her new surroundings, but as soon as she was places on Sari's lap she was snuggling into her. The pup was completely white, save for a black patch of fur around her eye.

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