7. The Party: Best Party Ever Edition

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I wake up again surrounded by green. The paper shamrocks glitter behind the bar, flashing in the lights almost as if they're laughing at me. I cast my eyes as far left and right as I can without moving, afraid to break whatever spell I'm caught in.

"Are you okay?" The bartender's hair is highlighted in blue again as she stops in front of me.

"Yeah. Fine." I mentally shake myself. "Actually, I'd be even better with a glass of water."

I take deep, even breaths as I watch her pour it. I've been here before. There's no need to panic.

Unless I'm stuck in a never-ending time loop for the rest of eternity!

I glance over my shoulder at the rest of the party. I notice Connor standing by himself near the door, for the first time in his life looking a little lame.

Wait. I'm getting a chance to do this over again. That doesn't mean I have to do him over again. I could stop him from ever meeting Nessa.

The bartender sets my glass of water down, bumping me back to the present—whenever that is. She watches as I take a sip.

"You're judging me," I interpret her level stare.

She shrugs. "Well, it is St. Patty's Day."

I grimace. "I'm just trying to avoid making some really bad decisions tonight."

"That's fair," she concedes. "Although those are the ones you learn the most from."

I give her a grim smile. "Not this one."

"That bad, huh?"

I notice the skeptical tilt of her eyebrows. That's cute, she thinks I'm exaggerating.

I lean forward. "What do you call being in love with your roommate, but you can't tell her, so you sleep with a guy and he ends up marrying her?"

"What do I call that?" she repeats. "A soap opera."

"I wish it was a soap opera. Then I could at least get paid to star in it." I sigh wistfully, then straighten up. "What if the main character could time travel? It would be a sci-fi soap opera! We need more sci-fi soap operas."

"You could always try Star Wars."

"I don't know, I'm more of a Trekkie."

I surreptitiously slide my jacket over the back of the chair beside me and lay my clutch on its seat for good measure as she smiles. "Good choice."

I smile back. "What's your name?"


"It's nice to meet a fellow—"

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

Connor's interruption comes right on time, but this time I just turn around and offer a regretful smile. "I'm guarding it for my friend, sorry."

"Oh." He gives me a polite smile back. "That's fine. Have a good night."

I let out a slow sigh of relief as he disappears back into the crowd.

Amy watches him go and then points after him. "The bad decision?"

I nod and take a large gulp of my water.

She frowns thoughtfully. "Could be worse."

"Hm," I grunt. "It better be worth it."

"Hey, if you're a Trekkie," Amy changes the subject, "you should look into the Ethics of Star Trek next semester. It's a gen-ed elective. And you get to watch all those 1960s special effects."

"That's tempting," I admit. "Thanks for the suggestion."

"No problem." Her eyes fall in my empty glass. "Do you want a refill?"

"No." I stand up. "I actually think I should head home before anyone realizes I have an invisible friend."

I remove my jacket from the stool beside me with a flourish.

"Gotcha. Have a good night then," she echoes Connor.

I wave and then make my way through the crowd toward the door, smiling. I'm proud of myself. Not a single drink, and I didn't go home with a stranger.

Best party ever.

* * *

And the cycle continues.... Double update today since this is a short chapter!

 Double update today since this is a short chapter!

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