20. Epilogue

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I jump violently when Amy's arms circle my waist from behind, and instead of slicing the top off the strawberry on my cutting board, I accidentally cut it in half. "You really shouldn't do that while I'm holding a knife," I warn.

She plants her chin on my shoulder, her cheek pressing against mine, like she can see through my eyes. "I live for a little risk."

"You know, when people say that they usually mean skydiving or something, not getting stabbed by their girlfriend," I point out.

She laughs and rolls her eyes. "Technicalities," she complains, flipping me around to face her. I make sure to leave the knife on the cutting board. "Come here."

I obey as she pulls me several feet to the right, but I still ask, "Why?"

"Because I don't want you to get stabbed in the butt." Before I ask what she means, she's hoisted me up onto the countertop. Her hands land softly on the tops of my thighs, and I let their warmth seep through my jeans and into my veins.

I lean down, she rolls onto her tiptoes, and our lips meet in a storm of fire. Hers are soft, but demanding, taking everything they can get. That's my favorite part of her—her unashamed forwardness. I've always been so used to initiating, of being the one so desperately craving something, but something shifted when I started dating her. Now, I'm not the only one who does things like this. We're equal.

"People are going to be here any minute," I stammer between kisses. "We should really—"

Her tightening grip on my legs shuts me up.

Then a knock at the door startles us both, and I almost kick her in the knee on my way off the counter. She laughs as I scurry across the apartment.

Cam's face greets me on the other side of the door, his smile fading to playful disappointment as soon as he sees me. "Ugh, girls. Please," he jokes as he crosses the threshold. "Sorry to interrupt."

"I don't—we weren't—I—how can you tell?" I hiss, my face flaming as he passes me. "Hi Jake," I add sheepishly as his husband follows.

"Hey Lana," he greets me cheerfully, then leans down. "And just so you know, even if it wasn't super obvious, it's a pretty safe assumption to make that you two were up to something."

I roll my eyes and shove him, but I don't really mean it. "Oh, right, and Cam has so much room to talk."

Jake shrugs. "That's what I tell him."

The door swings open again, and Nessa marches in like it's home. She takes one look at me and sighs. "Oh god, bad timing?"

"It is not that obvious!" I exclaim to the ceiling.

"It is," Connor pipes up as he enters behind Nessa.

Amy cackles from the kitchen, enjoying my embarrassment.

"But you're allowed," Connor adds, and the knowing look in his eye says more than that. You deserve it.

Well, that's debatable—he still doesn't know quite how many times I ruined his perfect day, and he might think differently if he did—but I'm working toward being someone who deserves Amy.

It's hard work.

"Hey," I say. "This is your party. Happy anniversary!"

"If I recall correctly, it's your anniversary, too," Connor points out.

Amy smiles, a teasing twinkle in her eyes. "Technically."

She's always saying things like that. Things that make me think she might remember all the times I crashed Nessa's wedding and came running into the bar for that damned shot. Things that make me think it might have been real. But whenever I hint, or even outright ask, she suddenly has no idea what I'm talking about.

Just one of the many ways she makes me crazy. It's a good thing I love her.

I pour us all drinks, and we migrate to the living area. Amy and I sit on the floor at everyone's feet, and I rest my head on her shoulder as they all start recounting stories.

"I'm so glad you came back to this town, Lana," Nessa says. "We missed being able to see you whenever we wanted."

I give Amy a small smile. "I'm glad, too." And I am. It wasn't an easy decision, and switching jobs as well as coasts had been a leap of faith. But the night I'd spent with Amy after Connor and Nessa's wedding reception might well have been the best night of my life. We stayed up until morning watching the original Star Trek series and eating at least two bowls of popcorn, then fallen asleep. I'd missed my flight and taken it as a sign that I should extend my stay. Get to know her.

It had been terrifying. But it was so refreshing not to dive headfirst into everything on the first date that I knew there had to be something there.

Living here isn't always easy. But like Amy says so often when people stare at us on the street, you're not changing the world if it's easy. And it's worth it to feel this way. My heart is full. I'm in love.

As I lean my head on her shoulder and listen to my friends talk and laugh and make plans for the future, I smile. I'm right where I belong.

* * *

...Aaaaand, we made it!! Hopefully this was worth it. I've been traveling for several days for an actual wedding, so my brain is not exactly what it should be lol

To everyone who's been along on this journey, thank you so much! I'm sad that it's over, but I hope to find you all somewhere else on the depths of Wattpad!

Happy Monday and, of course, Happy Pride! 🌈🌈🌈

Happy Monday and, of course, Happy Pride! 🌈🌈🌈

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