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Dang I didn't realize there were so many possible ships names for Jaxon and Ash. So I'm gonna call these the final two: Ashon (pronounced Ashen) or Jash? Tbh I like both so you guys need to pick.

Okay this is a really long chapter so it took me a little longer than usual to update (I apologize for that).

And since a lot of you guys have been requesting this forever, I'm going to do Lyza's POV next :)


"Thanks for helping out dad," I say as I step into the kitchen. I pull off my apron and hang it by the door.

My father nods and smiles a little. "Did they like it?"

"They loved it. You should have seen them, they're so cute together," I gush.

He chuckles. "Alpha Dorian is a good guy, he'll make a perfect mate for Taylor."

I bite my cheek when I see his smile falter. His eyes are red and the dark circles under them confirm my thoughts. "Hey dad, why don't you try to get some sleep? I can take care of the pack today," I offer.

"That's very sweet of you Maia but I don't want to give you all that responsibility quite yet."

I shrug. "I'll get Mykael to help me, he enjoys my company anyway."

He snorts. "I'm sure he does. Alright well I guess you couldn't do too much damage in just one day. Thank you," he says, pulling me into a hug.

My stomach twists as I hug him back. His body feels so frail, like if I hug any tighter I might break it. I watch as he trudges down the hall, his shoulders hunched over in exhaustion.


"Are you sure there isn't anything that can help?" I plead.

Mykael sighs, shaking his head. "Lyza has to come back, even if it's just for a few hours. Mates aren't supposed to be away from each other this long. She doesn't realize it though, in fact she hardly feels it at all since she's a dragon."

"Dragons have mates too."

"Yeah but they do a binding ceremony to connect them the way werewolf mates are connected. Your parents couldn't do it because apparently it's excruciatingly painful and wolves can't handle that kind of pain―or at least something to that effect I don't remember the reason exactly," he mumbles.

"Mykael he looks terrible. He hasn't been sleeping and he's going to get sick soon. It's taking longer than last time but I know he's going to get sick again."

"Well what do you want me to do about it?"

"Can you get a quick message to my mom and ask her to come back for a few hours or a day or something?"

"Well Maia you're the fastest runner in the pack but your parents would kill me if I let you go. And our second fastest is pregnant and all the other high ranking warriors are training right now before winter comes. But you can send one of the lower ranking warriors if you'd like," he shrugs.

Why is this so fucking difficult? I growl. "Oh come on there has to be a way other than sending a wolf across the mountains, that'll take weeks. How do you guys send messages when it's an emergency?"

"This isn't an emergency."

"Bullshit," I growl, "your alpha and friend is going to get very sick soon if I don't get a message to my mom, how is that not an emergency?"

He sighs heavily. "Alright fine, but don't you dare tell your dad I told you this. The last thing I need is for him to be pissed at me right now. You know the cabin in the woods where that lady lives? The one the pups are afraid of?"

Mate To The QueenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon