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       BEEP BEEP BEEP. I reach my hand out of my bed and lazily switch off my alarm clock. I stare up at the ceiling for a few seconds, before suddenly remembering. First day of senior year. Great.

       Eventually, after a lot of will power, I sit up and sigh. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I pick up my phone and a few seconds later, with a sigh, I place it back down. No messages, like usual.

       I begin to prepare for my last first day of school. I shower, brush my teeth, change and make my way downstairs to eat some breakfast.

      "Morning, mom" I say as I walk into the kitchen, trying to seem a little happy.
"Here is some coffee and some cereal." She says cheerily, placing them in front of me. I sigh at her over - enthusiasm.
"Thanks" I reply simply, slinging my packed backpack off my shoulder and sitting to eat.

      "So, are you excited!" She asks enthusiastically, leaning against the counter opposite me, coffee in hand. I look up at her, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.
"Excited?" I question, "Not exactly the word I would use".

        "Oh, don't be like that Scotty. My senior year was brilliant, and yours will be too".
"Ok, but you actually had friends in school". I remind her, pointing with my spoon to emphasise my point. She shakes her head at me before glancing down at her watch.

       "The bus should be here any minute," She reminds me, "You should probably get going".
I nod, picking up my backpack from the floor. As I walk over to the door, I feel a hand in my hair. I whip around to see my mom trying to style my hair. Style my hair! I'm not five!
"Mom!" I exclaim, swatting her hands away. She responds with a laugh, walking away from me. I shake my head at her, turning and making my way to the front door. I yell a quick goodbye across the house to her before walking outside towards the bus.


       When the bus arrives at the school, I make my way across campus to the main entrance of the door. Looking around at the other students making their way inside, I notice many are dressed to the nines, probably a futile attempt to gain some sort of popularity early on in the year. I, however, am the exact opposite.

      Once inside the school, I make my way to the locker I was assigned for this year at the end of last year. As I finish putting things in my locker, the main door to the school opens abruptly. People turn their heads towards the door while people on the upper floor lean over the banister and look intently at the door.

       "Hey bitches!" Tessa Smith's voice rings through the school. She waltzes in with her 'best friend', more suitably her 'minion', Bella, both in their cheer uniforms and high heels, clicking through the corridors. Many people cat call as they walk in and others whoop. I shut my locker and roll my eyes at them.

       Tessa Smith, Storm High's Popular Girl. Admired by all, Admires nobody. She has long red hair which explains her fiery personality. Well, less fiery and more bitchy.
"Hey! Omg you're like so pretty!" I hear Tessa's voice again from a little further down the hallway. I look over to see who she's talking to.

       There's a black haired girl standing there. I've never seen her before and, apparently, neither has Tessa, so she must be new. Her dark features make her seem mysterious, an unknown entity. And, yes, she is really pretty. I hate that i'm agreeing with Tessa.

       "Thank you". The girl laughs in response.
"New senior?" Tessa asks, leaning against a locker. The girl answers with a slight nod.
"Yes, I heard there was going to be a new girl. I'm Tessa, Tessa Smith. Follow my instagram @tessasmithh , 2 h's, and my snapchat, @tessiesmith, and my twitter @queentess".

       After watching this interaction unfold for a bit, I decide to head to class early, all of these handels are hurting my head . I sit by the window and in the middle row then get my books out. The bell rings and soon enough, people start arriving.

Everyone is soon seated, the "nerds" in the front, the "populars" in the back  and the socially awkwards in the middle - me.
The class starts and I begin taking notes. Five minutes later, the classroom door opens. Tessa walks in with the black haired girl from earlier.

"Miss Smith, you are late".
"I'm sorry Mr Michaels," she tosses her hair over her shoulder, "But Elizabeth is new and i was showing her around"
So Elizabeth is her name. She's probably a bitch if she's hanging out with Tessa.

"How kind of you- please take a seat, both of you!" the teacher says smiling at Tessa. She leads Elizabeth to the back when she suddenly slams her hands onto one of the desks, her bracelets tingling from impact.

"Move". She says to the girl sitting at the desk- a popular wannabe. Sometimes they take the populars seats in hopes to be like them. It's pathetic.

The girl quickly grabs her books from the desk and moves a row forward. Then Tessa glances to her right at the desk next to it. The popular wannabe quickly stands and moves. Tessa has a lot of power in those hazel eyes of hers.

She sits at the now empty desk and ushers Elizabeth to the seat next to it which she also cleared. Everyone turns their heads back to the teacher.
This is going to be quite a year.

heyyy guys!

thanks for reading the first chapter of my book!

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and have a great day!

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