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On Monday, I walk into the main hall of the school and head straight to my locker. I put in all my unnecessary books and shut the locker. Just as I turn around, I catch sight of the main doors opening. Everyone stops and stares at the door, awaiting Tessa's arrival.

Tessa comes striding through the doors, followed promptly by Bella and Elizabeth. The November wind sends Tessa's sunset hair flying over her shoulder and the look on her face says "I run this school".

It's as if she's in a movie, gliding in slow motion through the corridors of the school, Bella and Elizabeth simply following in her wake. In other words, it is your basic high school clique.

2 girls stand talking in the middle of the corridor, looking at their books, probably doing last minute test studying. Tessa goes in between the two and shoves them back towards the lockers on both sides of the corridor.

Everything goes back to real time when she stops and looks at the girls. She laughs a little, leaning towards them.
"Do you girls know who I am?" She asks, giving a slightly evil smile.
"Of course. You're Tessa Smith!" one of the girls yells excitedly.
"Right, i am. And what is my social standing at this school?" she asks, still smiling condescendingly.
"You're the most popular and beautiful girl at this school" the other girl squeals.
"Exactly." she pulls away from the girls and crosses her arms, "and one thing you don't do to the popular girl is get in her way" The two girls immediately back away, sadness apparent on their faces. Tessa smirks and the three then continue on down the corridor. As Elizabeth passes me, she turns in my direction and her face fills with surprise. She smiles quickly before getting back into her stride.

Honestly, Elizabeth doesn't seem like the popular type at our school. She has the important qualities such as her pretty looks, her outspoken mind and her charm but her personality is the exact opposite from Tessa. Tessa rules the school as a stone cold bitch and i just can't imagine Elizabeth being in her orbit. Elizabeth seems so down to earth and above all else, kind. Whereas Tessa has no kind bone in her body.

But part of me doesn't want to exclude Elizabeth as part of the populars. They were all nice enough when they started at this school, they gradually learnt Tessa's ways and soon were just like her. It'll probably be the same with Elizabeth.


At lunch, I explain to Daniel what happened at the weekend.
"That's mad dude. She's so hot". he says turning around to look at Elizabeth. She is currently talking to Bella.
"Yeah, i guess" i say quickly before biting into my apple. Daniel continues to stare at the cheerleaders and footballers before turning back around to face me.

"Wouldn't it be so great to get out of the reject lifestyle" he says happily.
"Yeah, it's just a little...impossible" i say and his sweet expression turns sour.
"I was thinking about trying out for football" he says staring me dead in the eye. I look at him briefly before i start laughing.
"Are you kidding" i ask between laughs.
"No i'm not" he exclaims glaring at me.
I change my expression to serious after finding out it wasn't a joke. "When are tryouts?"
"Two weeks away" he replies.

I nod my head and look back up to the footballer/cheerleader table. What if Dan does get in? Who would i hang out with?No, what am i saying? He's a reject, he has no chance. I comfort myself with this thought. 2 minutes later the bell goes and people scatter out the room.


I sit in history, preparing mentally for the boring period ahead. Most of the class are seated and just chatting with others before we start. The chat goes quiet and i look to the front of the class to the teacher expecting that to be the reason people are quiet. But the teacher isn't here yet so i look to the back of the room. Tessa, Elizabeth and Bella enter the room, a nerd carrying Tessa's books. Tessa drops down into her seat and examines her nails. The nerd puts her books on her desk and goes to the front of the class.

"Hello class. Today we will be talking about the agreed upon terms stated on the treaty of versailles".
"Great. Boring, boring and boring again." Tessa says in a bored tone. The teacher seems to miss the comment.

A while of the class went by and after half an hour of work he stops us.
"So, next week we will not be doing this." Everyone sighs in relief, i even heard someone start singing hallelujah.
"We will be doing partner projects". The sighs of relief turn into groans of depression.
"Everyone pay attention to the list of partners"
We all sit still as he reads out the partners.

"Anna and Sadie"

"Caden and Sarah"

"Angus and John"

"Tessa and Sophia"
Tessa stands in outrage.
"I am not going with her! I don't associate with that kind!" she yells angered, referring to nerds, "that's bad for my status!"
"Miss Smith, that's who your name is next too"
"Well change it! Need i remind you my fathers donations paid for this whole room?"
"I'll change it right away." he takes a moment to switch some peoples names around.

"Tessa and Bella"
Tessa smirks "Better"

"And that means that Elizabeth's partner has changed to..." everyone in the class turns to watch her reaction to her new partner, "Scott"
We all watch as a look of confusion crosses her face briefly before something clicks in her mind. She starts searching the class until her eyes land on me. She smiles a little.

Why is she staring at me. Why is she smiling at me? Why is she waving at me! Who's her partner? I was too focused on her reaction.
"So that's Elizabeth and Scott" the teacher says clarifying, probably due to the confusion that was on my face.

I watch as Tessa turns her head towards Elizabeth slightly. "Poor Lizzy" she whispers to the popular friend group, "i would complain if i were you" she adds before returning to her nails. Elizabeth looks at her briefly, then at me and then just focuses her gaze on the teacher.

this story is 100% going to continue.

hey everyone!

hope you enjoyed this chapter!

who can tell me the name of the movie the tessa/bella thorne gif is from?

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