Chap 10 - now he knows

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Ella's POV

I wake up to find myself laying on the cold, hard pavement outside my front door. My father must have thrown me out after finishing with me.

I try to move, but the pain is unbearable. My hand traces over my ribs and finds them to nearly all be broken. I cant move, I can't speak, I am stuck. I notice however that my father's car is not in the driveway, meaning that he has already left for work. Sadly this also means that I was now officially late for school.

I continue to lay in the same position I woke up in and close my eyes, eagerly trying to shut out the pain, when suddenly I hear a voice shouting my name.

Looking up I see Theo towering over me with this extremely worried look on his face.

"What happened?" He asks

"Nothing"I reply

His look turns from worry to anger

"You better tell me how this happened right now Ella"

"I fell down the stairs" I blurt out

"What and landed out here with all of these bruises, scars and fractures?" Do you take me for an idiot?" He asks, his fists clenched tight and his eyes piercing eight into my heart.

"N,no" I stutter

"Tell me, I won't hurt you, I just want to help" he says with a calmer tone to his voice

"My father" I reply trying to hold in tears

"What about him?"

"He hits me" I say releasing a flood of tears.

"That son of a *****" He says wrapping his arms around me a picking me up

"When I lay my hand on him, he'll be sorry that he ever lay a finger on you" he shouts

He carries me to his car and buckles me in. Then he gets in himself and drives off. I close my eyes out of pure exhaustion. The last thing I hear is him saying "I'll never let anything happen to you. You are mine, and mine only, and I love you"

So she finally told him. Where do you think they are going and what do think Theo will do to help her?

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