chapter 2: unexpected new friends

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As i walked into the club that my new roommate Abby dragged me to, i couldn't help but wonder why there were so many girls outside. Abby walked straight up to the bouncer and told him her name and he let us pass. Ifollowed her as we headed toward the VIP lounge.

"Wait,Abby! Why are we going in here?" I grabbed her arm.

"Because this is where my friends are. I'm going to warn you don't freak and fan girl. They hate it, okay?" Before i could asnwer she turned and walked into the VIP area.

"Fan girl? Why would I?" I called to her, but she was already gone. I sighed and followed her helpless to whatever was about to happen.

As soon as i walked in i was stopped by who i saw was with me and Abby. I counted, there were only four. I knew who they all were right away.

"Carson, these are my friends Harry,Liam,Louis, and Zayn. Niall's here too...somewhere." She smiled and pointed at each boy as she said his name.

They all smiled at me as i stood in the door way trying hard not to run and hug all of them.

Thankfully Louis came up to me and said, "Hey, im Louis. Were so glad Abby finally brought a friend. She doesn't haven't have many you know." He joked with me and i couldnt help but smile.

"I'm sure she has a few more than you think."

I looked behind louis and saw Zayn looking at me. He gave me a slow up and down then nodded to himself. When his eyes finally reached mine again he smiled at me.

"Well well. I do beleive you will fit in quite nicely here with us." Zayn commented.

I rolled my eyes and looked for my favorite one direction member. Oh yeah, Abby already said he wasn't in here.

"Guys, its Carsons first night in London, so we need to show her a good time to welcome her!" Abby said proudly. All the boys looked at her then back at me and smiled.

"Welcome to London!" I herd an Iris accent say to me. I spun around and there stood a blue eyed boy with a big smile. Niall Horan.


Hey guys,

This is my first story on here and im not really sure how it all works yet. I'm also using my cell phone(for now) to do this so it may also cause some issues. Please just be patient with me.

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I really want to know what you guys are thinking so far. If my chapters are too long or shot please let me know. I still need to get the hang of this web site. And let me know anything i can do tovmake the story better thanks!:D

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K, bye


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