Chapter 15: summer love

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Carsons POV:

"So what happened with Liam last night?" I asked Charlie as her,Abby and I lay out tanning, or as Abby called it sunbathing.

"Well we went downstairs had some tea, we talked outside by the pool. Hes so easy to talk to I feel like I could spill my heart out to him. But I won't cause I just met him. But then we decided to go for a swim, so I went and then we swam for what felt like forever. Then we decided it was late and went up to bed. He walked me all the way to my door. Which is sweet even though hes like three doors down." She giggled blushing while drinking out of her water bottle.

In a way I knew how she felt. So happy, so able to take on the world.

"Aw! You guys are so cute. Even if your not dating. You will be." Abby gushed.

"Really? I mean we just met. And even if i do know everything about him, it'd be so wired a releationship that fast. It would fail, we know nothing about eachother really. Like the good stuuf. We haven't had time to build a connection yet. You know?" Her face fell as she looked at me.

"Oh god, Carson. No I mean you and Niall will last. Its ovbious, but Liam and I its more complacated. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." She apologised.

"No. Its fine. I know what you ment. I think im ganna go cool off with the boys for awhile." I stood bushing off sand. I could hear the boys of the crash of the waves. They were always so loud.

"I really am sorry." She tried.

"I know. Its fine." I brushed it off. But i had thought the same thing, what if we rushed into it too soon. It could fall apart just as fast. It won't. We just started dating. I can't have those thoughts now. Or ever.

"Carsooon! Come swim with us!" Louis called as he got dunked by Zayn and Harry.

"Coming!" I called stepping in slowly, closing my eyes, letting the water rush over my feet. Swimming, and taking pictures have always been the two things that always calm me down. Stressing is something that I do a lot of and I had to find ways to cope.

"Carsooon! Hurry up!" Harry yelled. I opened my eyes watching all five of the boys mess around, splashing eachother, dunking. A special boy turned to me and started his way toward me. I smiled watching him as he came closer.

"Hey babes." He smiled at me looking me over. "I like your swim suit." He eyed me.

"Niall!" I hit his arm laughing.

"Come swimming?" He pulled me in deeper.

"Do I have a choice?" I giggled as he pulled me close in the water. We were up to Nialls waist and my high stomach. I was a lot shorter than him. Standing here I realised how much shorter I really was.

"Nope." He popped the p smiling as we went deeper.

I wrapped my hands around his neck as he grabbed my waist.

"Awwwh look at you two, come here Niall I want a hug too!" Louis said dunking Niall forcing me under too.

"Louis!" I gasped wiping water from my eyes. "What was that for?!"

"Sorry love. Was trying to dunk Nialler here, not you." All the boys laughed.

Niall jumped on Louis back as they were laughing. Louis was forced under while Harry cracked up more.

"Watch it Styles or your next!" Niall said swimming by my side again as Louis reappeared laughing.

"Who wants to play chicken?" I asked looking at the boys.

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