Pre-Game 36: Finally Return

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Two months later

The sun was setting when I stepped onto the tarmac. The sky had dissolved, drenching the jet, the endless stretch of concrete, and the field beyond, in the colours of blood and fire.

A breeze wafted towards me, and I dragged in my first breath of free air. After two months of inhaling the recycled air that circulated and re-circulated in Truthful Hearts Underwater Rehab Centre, I didn't care that the breeze smelt faintly like dog crap.

I slid on my sunglasses and scanned the nearby parking lot. My eyes snagged on the only car there—a black Mercedes.

And my twin brother shifting uncomfortably in front of it.

I grinned.

He stiffened when I pulled him into a hug. His hug back was brief, before he stepped back, clearing his throat.

"Hey, kid." I held my grin as I examined him.

His hair had been trimmed, and the paleness had been replaced by a light tan. His eyes were clearer, lucid. Better. He looked better.

"Hey Axe," he murmured. He searched my face, his features sinking. "Are you okay?"


It had been two months.

Two months since I'd seen a member of my family in person. Two months of enduring the blankly polite expressions of employees who looked more like supermodels than orderlies. Of enduring the therapists and doctors and 'how are you today Mr Ryder?' and 'thank you Mr Ryder' and 'do you need another plate Mr Ryder?' and 'are you sure you're okay Mr Ryder?'. And people who didn't understand the meaning of 'I'm f**king fine'.

I could feel my skin thrumming. Home. I was home.

My grin widened. "Let's get out of here."

Asher glanced at the jet, still on the tarmac. "What about your luggage?"

I moved towards the passenger seat. "Didn't have any."

I was halfway in the car when Asher's expression crumbled. Sh*t.

He moved to the driver's seat without a word. I debated what to say as he started the car. My hands went to the radio, fiddling with it until pop music flooded the space.

When mom and dad had walked into that room...they'd lost it.

Those few minutes ranked as the third worst moment of my life.

In that moment, I knew I'd made the right decision. Asher couldn't take that.

But I could.

I could take anything for him.

I rolled down the window. The sunset was almost completely over.

The sky had sunk into a dark blue when Asher finally cracked.

He pulled over, turning to face me. "We have to tell them the truth," he rushed out. "I can't—I can't let you take the blame for something you didn't do—you had to leave because of me—" his face crumbled. "I should have—"

"Ash." I smiled. "Everything is fine."

He stared at me with wide eyes. "Axel, you went to rehab because of me."

I snorted. "It was basically a holiday resort."

How are you today Mr Ryder?

How do you feel Mr Ryder?

What do you need Mr Ryder?

An itch snaked beneath my skin.

"It was a vacation Asher," I smirked. "You can't tell me you seriously feel bad about me going on a two month holiday?"

"Axel," Asher snapped. "Don't you get it? You went to rehab. Mom cried, Axel—because of me. Everything was because—" Asher's shoulders began to shudder, his face paling.

I stiffened. "Calm down."

He nodded, pressing his lips shut. After a beat, his breathing started to slow. His face fell. "I'm sorry," he rasped. "I'm so sorry Axel."

I ruffled his hair. "It's okay, kid."

It was okay, because Asher didn't have to go through any of it, and never would.

He stared up at me, eyes red-rimmed. "No, it's not."

I hesitated, then, "You stopped taking the pills, right?"

Asher dipped his head. "When you left."

Relief streamed through me, then quickly tapered off. My eyes flickered to his sleeves. My throat tightened. "Have you stopped...?"

He swallowed. "I tried."


"Once," he rushed out. "I've only done it once since you left, I promise."

"No more." I forced him to look at me. "Are you listening to me Asher? No more. You can never do that again."

He nodded, hair falling into his face.

"Good." I released him. It took a second to force my lips into a smirk. "So, now that we've established that I am always right and everything is okay, can we go home?"

He nodded, starting the car in silence.

"Everything's going to be fine little bro," I said. "I promise."

Rehab was over with. No one knew what Asher had done.

And Axel Ryder was finally coming home.


Thank you for reading :)

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