Level 60: Watch Everything Fall Apart

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Mom scrambled down the stairs, dragging her suitcase behind her.

Dad raced after her. "Isabel—please—stop!"

I'd never seen him look like this before: dishevelled, panicked.

This isn't happening.

He caught her forearm as she reached the foot of the stairs. "Isabel, please—"

She ripped it away from him. "Do not touch me!"

"Please, Isabel, please—just let me explain," dad croaked.

This isn't happening.

Mom's chest heaved, her glare faltering. "Is it because she's younger than me?" Her voice cracked.

"No—of course not." He caught her hands again.

This time, she didn't pull away.

"Please—just—don't leave," he rasped. "Stay—we'll talk, I'll explain."

Uncertainty flashed across her face. "Is this the first time?" she whispered.

His face fell. "Isabel—"

She stepped away from him. "Is this the first time?" she repeated, her voice louder.

He was silent. His expression was full of terror.

Mom walked out.

I snapped out of my daze, following her.

In the driveway, she was fumbling with the door handle of her car. When it didn't open, she searched her pockets, frantic. "Where are the bloody keys?!"

When she couldn't find them, she slammed her fists into the glass.

Do something, Axel.

I strode towards her, picking up the keys from the ground a step from where she stood. Mom paused, looking up at me.

"I'll drive, okay?" I murmured.

She deflated.

I watched her slip into the passenger's seat. My mind refused to understand—this isn't happening.

The sound of sobbing filled the air. It took me a second to realize it was dad. I squeezed my eyes shut, then pulled them open. Robotic, I loaded mom's luggage into the car, then headed towards the driver's seat.

I paused as I noticed Asher hovering in the doorway, his pale face blank.

A prickle ran down my spine.

I couldn't leave him alone.

"Come on," I said. "Get in the car."

Thankfully, he did what I said, slipping into the backseat.

I ignored my father's sobs as we pulled out of the driveway.

It sounded like my family falling apart.

Mom's face drained of colour as we moved further and further away from the house. Her skin had a grey hue by the time we reached Asher and I's apartment.

She stumbled out of the car without saying anything, waiting for me to unlock the front door.

When Asher didn't move, I gestured him outside. He trailed after me.

I unlocked the door and we slipped inside.

This isn't happening.

Mom paused in the middle of the living room.

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