Burning a witch

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I am in this zombie apocalypse with my friend, my mom, and my dad. We get attacked by zombies, and my friend gets bit. She turns into this  blob of purple goo, and that blob forms a face. It has long ,sharp teeth, and yellow cat eyes. It chases me down into my hallway, to the kitchen, and back to my bedroom. I get to my bedroom, and close the door. I hear my mom and dad laughing, and the door becomes unlocked. My mom was now a black and grey cat with yellow eyes, and my dad was now the typical zombie. You know. Flesh falling off the bones, rotting,  corpse.  My dad began to chase me when a stranger dressed in black saves me. She tells me to pour lighter fluid over my mom, and burn her. I had lighter fluid in my hands, and a box of matches. I poured the lighter fluid over my mom, and tried to strike a match, but it didn't work. The match box turned to dust, and my mom just laughed. The person dressed in black pushes my dad back, and takes me to the garage again. I grab a machete to defend myself, and begin to look for a lighter. My father then bangs down the door. The stranger fights him, and I find a lighter under a pile of wood. I try to hit my father with a machete, but nothing happens.  The stranger in black then gives me a sword. With the sword I plunged it into my father's throat, and he died. The stranger in black takes me to the kitchen, and while my mom eats cat food I burn her alive. She didn't scream, and she didn't burn. Her flesh melted off her bones, and I remember crying, and telling her I'm sorry. She turns her head to look at me, and I wake up.

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