Girls Day Out

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Evelyn's POV

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Evelyn's POV

It's been five days since Bella and Edward were married. They're still on their honeymoon. Today I'm going to the res to hang out with Emily and Sue. "You sure you can't come Esme?" I ask her on the phone.

"Yeah Carlisle taking me out on a date" she tells me. "How about you and I have lunch Saturday?" she suggests.

"Sounds great, I'll be at your place at one o'clock" I tell her. Just then a car beeped outside. "My rides here, see you Sunday" I say.

"See you Sunday" she says and we hang up. I grab my purse and sunnies before leaving the house. I'd left a note for Charlie, who is at work. I hope into the passenger seat of Sue's car and she does a u-turn.

"So how are you liking Forks?" she asks me.

"It's a nice change from the snow" I tell her.  "I'm sorry about what happened to Harry and not being here for you" I add.

"It's ok, your work is important" she assures me.

"I just feel bad on not being here for everyone" I tell her. We reach Emily's house to see her shooing away a bunch of teenagers.

"But Emily, we're hungry" one of them complains.

"Nope, I'm not cooking today" she tells them and they whine.

"That's right" I state and they turn around to look at Sue & I.

"We're having a girl's day, so scrum" Sue tells them. They all leave.

"Oh Emily" I say seeing her face. I heard about the bear attack, but poor Emily. "I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you through that. That's why you never go into the woods alone" I tell her.

"Never stopped you" she states and I chuckle.

"I knew how to use a gun" I remind her. "So how were the teens?"  I ask as we enter her house.

"Sam's friends" she states.

"Congrats on the engagement by the way" I say smiling.

"What about you?" she asks me.

"Yeah, any guys in your life?" Sue asks.

"Na, single and proud of it" I tell them. "So Sue, what's going on between you and my brother?" I ask her smirking.

"I'm just making sure he's properly feed with Bella now married" she states.

"There's nothing wrong with having feelings for him" Emily tells her.

"She's right, Harry would want you to be happy. So do Leah and Seth. If Charlie does that, he'd want you to go for it" I tell her.

"I'll think about it" she mumbles and we smile. "But seriously Evy, you need to find yourself a boyfriend" she tells me. Emily nods her head in agreement and I roll my eyes.

"Come on, let us set you up" Emily begs.

"No, I'm happy being single and focusing on more important things" I tell them. "Speaking of, I quit my job before coming here. I miss you guys, Charlie and Bella. So I've applied for a job at the hospital. Seeing as I have a degree in nursing" I state.

"But you love trying to find a way to stop global warming" Emily says.

"I do, and I can still help with fundraisers here. I just want to be here with my family" I tell them.

"Charlie hasn't mentioned this" Sue states.

"He doesn't know, only you two and Esme know" I tell them. "Everyone else thinks I'm on vacation. It's a surprise" I explain.

"We can keep a secret" they assure me.

"Oh and Alice is organizing a welcome home party for me when Bella & Edward return from their honeymoon. As I want Bella there, that's when it'll be announced I'm staying" I explain. "You both are invited along with Sam, Billy, Jacob, Leah and Seth" I add.

"Where's it being held?" Sue asks me.

"Esme offered their house" I state smiling. "She's the pen-pal I was telling you guys about" I add.

"She's nice" Emily says.

"Lovely family" Sue adds.

"I'm having lunch with her Sunday" I tell them. "I invited her to come today, but Carlisle is taking her out on a date" I explain.

"Mum, Leah won't stop bugging me" a teenage boy complains as he enters the house.

"Maybe if you would do your job right, I wouldn't have to bug" a young woman snaps.

"That's enough you two" Sue says sternly.

"Is that little Leah and sweet Seth?" I ask standing up. "My how you both have grown, I remember when I used to babysit you Leah. And when Seth was born" I say smiling at the pair.

"Seth, Leah this is Evelyn Swann. Charlie's younger sister" Sue explains.

"I remember you" Leah says hugging me.

"Nice to meet you" Seth says smiling.

"You know anabolic steroids are bad for you"I state pointing to his arms.

"I work out a lot" he says shrugging. "Mum, Leah and I are going cliff diving with the guys" he states.

"I remember when we used to do that" I say smiling. "Harry would pick up Sue and jump off of the cliff" I say laughing.

"Or the time Sam pushed you off of the cliff" she adds.

"Oh, I got him back for that" I say smirking.

"What'd you do?" Seth asks me.

"Swapped his shampoo for pink hair die, then died all his clothes purple or pink" I say and we all laugh. "Now go have fun" I tell them.

"You'd be an amazing mum Evelyn" Sue says smiling and Emily nods her head in agreement.

"If I find the right guy, then of course I'll have children" I tell them. We spend the next hour catching up and got Emily ready for her date with Sam. Before Sue took me home and we made dinner for Charlie along with us. Sue stayed for dinner before leaving.


Picture above of Evelyn and picture on the external link of Sue Clearwater. Picture above of Emily Young.

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