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Sorry, it took so long for me to update. I got my device taken away, again, so writing might be a bit slower.

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My eyes burn with unshed tears as I allow the boy to lead me to the van. He smells of computers and grass, if that makes any sense. I suppose he is just around computers often. The sixteen of them are hard to distinguish a bit because they keep moving around. It is difficult to understand which smell belongs to which boy. It is important that I figure it out, though. I don't know how long I will be around these boys, but I know that it will be important to tell them apart.

"What is your name?" I ask the boy guiding me.

"Oh!" He exclaims. "My name is Corey!"

"Oy!" Another shouts, smelling of bubblegum. "What is going on with that... that... Thing around your head?"

"That's so people aren't uncomfortable," I giggle, following Corey's lead and climbing into what I am guessing is a van.

There are six people who do not enter the van, most likely because there is not enough space. Oddly enough, they seem annoyed, if the muttering under their breath is any clue.

"Why would that make us uncomfortable, Aggele?" The boy smelling of the ocean inquires.

My cheeks flame at the word, but I know that he is just trying to be nice by calling me angel. Maybe it is just another name that people call everyone, like sweetie, darling, or honey.

"Because of my eyes," I answer simply. "You know, since I can't see. Sometimes my stare makes people uncomfortable."

"Your blind?!" A man exclaims. He is the one who first spoke to me. He smells of ginger and citrus and his voice is kind.

"Yes," I reply. "You didn't know?"

"Stupid Blackbourne not telling us everything," A man mutters in Russian as a sharp voice answers, "No. None of us were informed of your blindness."

Blushing, I reply in Russian, "Whoever Blackbourne is, I don't think he would appreciate you saying that."

"You know Russian?" He breathes. "Do you like fruit cups?"

"Yes to both questions," I answer, tilting my head like a confused kitten.

"Hell, no!" A deep voice with an edge roars.

Whimpering slightly, I cover my ears tightly.

"That is enough, you two!" The sharp voice reprimands.

My hands are still clamped over my ears, making everything sound like it is underwater.

Hands smelling of the ocean gently pry my own away and I let out a small whimper, terrified.

"Sang? What's going on?" A concerned voice asks. The voice is deep and belongs to a boy who smells of leather and cyprus.

"I-I don't like it when people yell. Or swear," I say softly.

"Don't your fans yell at you?" A baritone voice asks.

"No," I answer with a shake of my head. "No one has ever raised their voice around me. Once someone swore."

I can't see anything, or course, but I can feel their stares.

"How do you know where we are if you can't see?" The bubblegum boy questions, clearly changing the subject.

"I can smell you. I can hear your voices. I can feel and hear you move. When I listen closely, I can hear your heart beating," I reply, biting my lip and wringing my hands.

"Wait. Are you being serious?" He gawks.

"Yes, Bubblegum Boy," I retort. "I'm not going to lie to you, especially about something so important as this. Why would I lie about my abilities when it is important for you all to know them?"

"Did you just call me Bubblegum Boy?" Bubblegum Boy asks incredulously.

I throw my hands in the air. All that and those two little words are all that make it through?

"Yes, Meanie," I reply, sulking slightly.

"Oy! That's an even worse nickname!"

"Well, I don't know half of your guys' names," I murmur, biting my lip.

These boys are already making me bolder. Somehow, I am extremely comfortable around them. Their shouts aren't scaring me nearly as much as they should. The boys give off a certain vibe, a vibe that tells me they will never let me be harmed. I've never been harmed, but I find it extremely comforting during this mysterious and dangerous situation. I don't know their names, yet I am already joking with them and talking openly.

"My apologies, Ms. Sorenson," The sharp voice says. "How would you like us to introduce ourselves?"

Blushing deeply, I answer, "Maybe if you said your name while being close enough for me to smell you?"

Thankfully, he merely moves closer until all I can smell is Irish spring soap.

"My name is Owen Blackbourne," He murmurs in my ear, his hot breath fanning my ear and neck and causing the blush to deepen.

The other boys do the same, except Nathan who is driving the van, until I know the name and smell of everyone on the van.

"Thank you all for being so nice," I say, my voice wobbling slightly.

"Of course, Baby!" North exclaims, but it is much quieter than his last shout.

Baby? It must be another one of those names like Aggele is.

I beam at him and he sucks in a breath. Maybe I just shouldn't smile. I've never seen my smile. What if it is hideous?

Quickly, I drop the smile and duck my head.

"Oy! That's fu—I mean, that's it!" Gabriel corrects. "I'm taking your sash off!"

Before I have time to react, his bubblegum scent fills my senses and he unties the sash around my eyes. I sit there, unmoving, as silence rains in the moving van.

"Holy—" Sean breathes before getting cut off by Raven shouting, "I need fruit cup! Now!"

"Well, I am hungry..." I say before biting my lip.

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