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I think we all glared at Raven for that comment. The smug bastard just smirked and kept staring at Sang.

Sang Sorenson, darling of the universe.

I think we just figured out her name.

She was beautiful when we first saw her, when half of her face was covered. When Gabriel took her sash off, she was more than just breathtaking. She was heartstopping, breathtaking, and the single most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on. And it isn't just me. I can see that all of my brothers are taken with her, even Mr. Blackbourne.

Sang's eyes are the key to her name. They are black with swirling circles of color, of pinks, blues, golds, and every color you could think of. They are black with whole galaxies in them. Her eyes show the universe.

"We'll stop for food soon," North promises Sang, also staring at her.

Thank goodness she is blind. Otherwise, our stares would've freaked her out forever ago. We haven't been able to take our eyes off of her. I dread the moment that Gabe gives her a makeover. I know he will, and I know we will all suffer because of it.

"Where are we going?" Sang asks, her voice slightly wobbling.

"We're going to a safe house," Mr. Blackbourne answers.

Nodding, I take in the information that was kept from us as well.

"Will we stay here in Charleston or are we heading to a different town?" Sang presses.

"That is classified," Mr. Blackbourne replies stonily.

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from saying anything. I have been with the Academy for about two years, but I still have not gotten used to the secrecy. The whole thing is like a cult. Cloak and daggers, the importance of family, the working in the dark, and all the secrets make the Academy seem an awful lot like a cult. However, when your working and you stop a serial killer, you stop a rapist, you stop an abusive parent, you know that you are doing what is right and all the hard work and secrets pay off.

Pulling out my laptop, I busy myself with tracking down someone for a small assignment from the Academy. I can't focus, though. My eyes continuously drift to Sang until I refocus on my work. I stare at her so much that I feel creepy. Not a good feeling.

Shaking my head, I force myself to refocus on my assignment.


I can feel their stares. Just because I am blind, doesn't mean I can't feel. In fact, because of my blindness, my senses are sharper than the average person's senses.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat, doing my best not to imagine what they are thinking. What thoughts are behind those stares. Probably mocking the "tiny, blind girl."

My lip quivers slightly. I sneak an arm out slowly and retrieve my sash from Gabriel's bag. I tie it around my head, instantly feeling more secure. I can't see their eyes and they can't see mine. The sash covering my eyes is just a reassurance, something to hide behind. Something to protect me from the stares.

I feel the van slow down and I know exactly where we are. I didn't mean to pay attention, but these new people are sending my senses into overdrive. My fear has caused me to keep track of every turn we make and how long we have driven. When we get out, there will be a large building to our left. I have memorized many texturized maps out of sheer boredom.

Most of my knowledge stems from boredom. Some stems from my lifestyle. For example, I can play several instruments, something that Mother thought important. Father has hired countless tutors to make sure that I get as much education as possible.

Victor helps me out of the van and I smile at him in thanks. I turn to the left on instinct and walk, tracing my foot on the ground to the side slightly until I find the path to the building. I step onto the soft ground littered with gravel and rocks and walk soundlessly up to the building. My foot thuds into a step and I walk up to it and feel with my foot for a second one.

I could use a cane, but my feet work well enough. Besides, I can't help but feel like that would only feed into the way people look at me. I don't want to be the "poor little girl who can't even see." I don't want to need a cane, I guess.

I knock on the door, but there is no answer, telling me that the boys must be the only inhabitants. Because of the distance, I can't quite make out what they are saying. However, I know that the men are all talking together about something. A quick meeting of sorts. Patiently, I wait at the door, taking in my surroundings and going over what I know so far.

Slight chirping and rustling tell me that there is a bird's nest somewhere to my right. The height of the noise tells me that there is a tree there. The distance that I took to the house shows that the path is long.

The way that Wil was typing tells me that he kept getting distracted by something. Perhaps he was unsettled by my appearance. The way that Owen seems to speak for them all shows he is the leader. They are able to agree on things so quickly that they must all be extremely close, similar to family.

Raven smelled of gunpowder. He must've gone shooting or be around guns often. Either way, my bodyguards are not foreigners to weapons, including firearms.

Despite all this knowledge and more, I can't help but feel like they are hiding something. But I won't press. They are my guards and I do not need to know the entire situation, so long as I am kept safe.

And something tells me that I will be perfectly safe with these men.

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