Chapter 18- The Lion's Den

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*Author's Note:

How cute was that moment between Vito and Luna? I enjoy watching their relationship progress, and become closer. Anyways, my delivery still hasn't come, so I thought I'd write another chapter, and hint a little more at who Aiden is. Any guesses? That's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot. (Sorry I love TVD). I'm going to make the chapter after this one in Dante's POV, cause I know you probably missing our boo. Above is how I pictured Aiden, lord knows no one plays a bad boy as well as Cam Gigandet (shoutout to his The OC character). Enjoy!

Luna POV

Vito and I walk back into the party, only to find, the party, has become a lion's den. With Dante and his men being like the momma lion protecting her cubs, as Aiden is an intruder to their home. Or like a grizzly bear, protecting her cubs from an unarmed hiker. Or an alpha wolf, protecting his pack.

Dante has Aiden by the collar of his shirt, shaking him harshly, with Damion and Marco right at his sides, ready to strike at any moment. Dino is holding Isabella away from Roman, while Roman is smugly looking at Aiden, and rolling up his shirt sleeves, as if he's about to get bloody. Sienna is screaming while trying to tear Dante off of Aiden, only to get yelled back at by Damion, as he tries to rip her off of Dante. 

I glance at Vito and sigh dramatically, grabbing out my gun from the back of my pants, aiming it to the ceiling, and pulling the trigger. 

Dante drops Aiden, making Aiden fall to the floor, and reaches in his jacket for his gun, while he whips around, but quickly shoves it back in, relieved when he sees me holding the gun up in the air, still pointing to the ceiling. 

"Now that I have your attention..." I start calmly then yelling, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY HOUSE?!?!??!!!!" 

I have to hold down a laugh at the blushes on all the men's faces, I find it hilarious how I have the power to shame these big, bad men. Vito's looking at me, amused.

"Living room, NOW." I demand. 

While everyone makes their way to the living room, I ask Maria to clean up the mess, and assure her that a VERY big raise will be coming, VERY soon. 

Vito and I stand, arms crossed, in front of everyone sitting on the various couches. They look at us as if we were scolding parents who caught their child coming in at 3AM. "So, anyone want to tell me what the fuck happened?" I stare at them accusingly. 

Damion speaks up first, "the guy is a little donnola (A/N: Weasel), Queen. It was well justified."

Dante is fuming, his usual control over his emotions has vanished. He stands up, anger oozing out of his body language, "I DON'T HAVE TO EXPLAIN MY ACTIONS, TO YOU OR TO ANYONE ELSE, IN MY OWN GOD DAMN HOME. DON'T FUCKING FORGET THAT!" he storms off. 

I feel a quick ache in my heart at his words. We've had little arguments every now and then, but he's never spoken to me like that. I take breath, controlling myself before I calmly announce, "I think it's time to call it a night. Everyone go home." 

Dino, Damion, and Marco all head to the wing of the house where our main men and home security men live. Sienna grabs Aiden's hand, glaring at all of us, and leaves hastily. 

Vito turns to me, "Meet me and Roman in Dante's office. I still need to talk to everyone." I nod, before they head to the home office.

Trying to brush off the hurt from what Dante said earlier, I take the time to walk Isabella to Roman and her's wing of the house. We converted the one wing from separate floors and bedrooms into one, two-story townhouse, that connects to the house through an enclosed hall. It gives them a separate space for their family, but keeps them close. 

"He didn't mean what he said, he was just furious. I mean, he handled it wrong by taking it out on you, but he didn't actually mean that," Isabella tries to comfort me. 

"I know...I just have never felt comfortable living off of his money, and him buying everything for us. In the back of my mind, I've always worried that it wasn't really OUR house, that it was HIS house..." I confess sadly. Isabella grabs my hands before she speaks, "He would NEVER think of anything you guys have as only his. Everything is both of yours....Don't tell anyone, but I was visiting Roman one day in the office and saw some paper work for the's under both of your names as co-owners." 

I smile a little at that. "I know, I truly do. It just stung a little. But anyways, I'll let you get back to the baby." Before I can leave, she stops me.

"Can I ask you something?" She asks, almost desperately.

"Of course, anything Isa, you know that." 

"I think I want to try to have another baby soon, but I don't know how to bring it up with Roman. He loves Stefan unconditionally, but I can tell he gets overwhelmed with all his work and having a kid."

I squeeze her into a hug, "Isabella, any parent will tell you how much work having a child is. It's normal that he's overwhelmed. He's trying to take care of a lot of people at once...not just you and Stefan, but Dante and the ALL of Dante's men. It's normal to feel stressed about something like that. BUT, I know for a fact that Roman would be thrilled to add to your family. You guys are amazing parents, trust yourselves a little more, give yourselves more credit. Sit him down tomorrow morning, with his favorite breakfast cooked, and bring it up to him."

"I love you, thank you for being my sister." 

"I love you too, you know I'm always here."

Now, it's time for me to deal with my grumpy husband. 

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