Chapter 23- Him or Us

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Dante POV

It's been two weeks of Luna and I stopping by our businesses in Italy and Russia, meeting with the managers, making sure everything involved with the businesses are completely legal. Now we are headed to New York to work on the businesses there, and that'll complete our mission. I need to remember to give my inner circle a week of vacation after all this is over. Everyone has been working overtime, around the clock, making sure everything is taken care of. 

With all of the stress going on, I take a moment of peace to gaze down at my beautiful wife who has fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder. She hates flying, so she makes sure to take some sleeping medicine every time we fly, and it knocks her out within minutes of taking off. I stroke her soft cheek lovingly, I need to take her on a vacation and spend our time worshipping her. She handles herself like a pro, and I'm so proud of her, she's exceeded everyones expectations by miles. 

*The Next Day

"Okay darling, get ready, we need to go check on everything today. Let's try to get it all done today, so we can enjoy the city a bit. I think it's time to spoil you a bit." 

"Dante, stop that! You don't have to spoil me! This is just as much my responsibility as it is yours. This is my mafia too, this is my family too, I will happily stop this narc from ruining everything we've built."

I smile, I love when she says 'ours'. "Baby, you know what you do to me when you say things like that..." I trail off, as I stride up to her hungrily.

"Paws off, we have things to do. But trust me, tonight, I will rock your world baby." She grins. 

'Ugh this woman drives me crazy,' I think to myself.

It was 5 P.M. and we had finished checking in on all of our businesses except for Prohibition. Walking in, I instantly freeze as I see that little puttana sitting at the bar. 'Why the fuck is he here?' I am furious, and Luna quickly picks up on it. She grabs my hand softly, giving me a reassuring squeeze. 

"Customers aren't allowed in here until 9 PM, Sienna you know that. Please ask your friend to leave." Luna's voice is cold as ice.  I love when she goes all mob boss on people. 

Sienna snaps her head up, surprised at our appearance before looking apologetically at Aiden. Aiden stands up, "it's cool baby, I've got to get some things done. I'll pick you up later." 

Luna and I stare him down, not taking our eyes off of him until he disappears out the door. 

"What the fuck Sienna?!" Luna asks, anger dripping in her voice, "We fucking told you what that dude was up to and you still invite him in here?"

Sienna crosses her arms and shoots back, "I asked him about it. He said it's not true."

I'm about to lose my fucking temper on her, but Luna beats me to it first. 

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME SIENNA?!?! YOU FUCKING ASKED HIM ABOUT IT?!?!" Her voice is dangerously venomous.

My hands are in fists so tight, my knuckles are turning white. 

"YOU ARE FIRED!" My cold, angry voice booms throughout the club, making everyone stop what they are doing and watch silently. 

We wait for Sienna to grab her things, and before she can walk out, Luna stomps up to her, getting in her face. In a terrifyingly cold voice, Luna mutters, "traitor," before giving Sienna a look that could kill. 

Luna and I head into the office, informing the assistant manager he is now in charge. We sort through all of the paperwork, files, computer storage, and destroy anything that could link the mafia's illegal activity to the club. 

I check my phone, to see 10 missed calls from Sienna. Putting the phone on speaker, I call her back.

On the first ring, she answers, "Dante, please don't do this."

"One last chance Sienna, him...or us.." I cut to the chase.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me, Dante...I love you and Luna..I wish it didn't have to be this way."


Part of me is inclined to calm her down, the other part of me is inclined to throw her on the desk and take her right now. Her loyalty and leadership fucking turn me on like no other. 

I grab the phone back speaking coldly and calmly, "Sienna, you have no clue what you have just done. You chose a guy over your family. You are so blinded by him that you are hurting the people that actually love you. This guy is using you, and once he's done, he will throw you to the curb...and when you come crawling back to us for forgiveness, I will laugh in your face."

'Click.'  I hang up furiously. 

Luna stares at me with tears in her eyes. I know she's hurt, Sienna was her best friend. Sienna was the first person Luna confessed what she had been through, the first person she trusted in New York City, and this has to feel like a knife being stabbed into her heart. 

I grab her into a tight hug, stroking her hair. 

"I know this is hard for you baby. Shh, it's okay, it's okay," I try to calm her down, as the tears pour out her eyes. 

Once she calms down, I let go of her, plastering a smile onto my face and say, "come on baby, let's go get changed. I want to take you out for a nice dinner then show you just how much I love you.."

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