Chapter 5: Too Many Rich Kids

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Above: Chad Michael Murray as Mason Butler. Mason's character was so hard to match a face to because I had a thought of what he looked like in my head, and I couldn't satisfy it. But I tried. Chad is actually pretty close to my imagination. And I've also wanted to include a character from One Tree Hill in this since it's my favorite show of all time, but that's another story. Soooooo, enjoy Chapter 5!


Lia James

"Nervous?" Mason asked, turning his toward me, who was currently staring out the window.

"That's an understatement."

"If you walk into the wrong classroom, then just run out, don't even say anything." Yes, Mason because that will definitely stop me from embarrassment.

"That's not what I'm worried about." I sighed. I noticed all the people with different friend groups all in different spots. There is the group that's currently doing yoga on the front lawn. The jocks who are currently arm wrestling. And a group of girls just on their phones, staring at guys walking around them.

"Then what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried about what everyone will think of me." That's one of the things I hated most about myself. I was always thinking about what others thought of me, even though I shouldn't. I just can't help it sometimes.

"Are you serious right now, Lia?" I scowled at him as he proceeded. "You aren't entitled to any of those people. The people in this school are shitty and they won't ever change. But it's important for you to change. How cares about how many fucking likes you get on Instagram? Who cares if you have a boyfriend or not? Who goddamn cares if you are prom queen?" He wipes his eyes in frustration.

"Don't go off on a tangent there." I patted him on the back, and he sighed.

"But you're right." I agreed. "Even thought I shouldn't care what people think, I do. It's just my nature. Ever since you left Maine, people found ways to pick on me and degrade me since you weren't there to stand up for me."

"Really? Damn, Lia, I'm sorry. How come you didn't tell me?"

"It's not like I could call you up and beg you to come back. You have a life here, and it's not like we could keep you at my house." I smiled, trying to lighten up the situation.

"Well, if anyone's bullying you, you come talk to me, alright? I don't want a repeat of your old school."

"Relax, Superman, I'm not a damsel in distress. And besides, that was elementary school and middle school. Once everyone hit puberty, they all got too lazy to pick on me." I laughed, pressing my forehead against his.

"Well, I hate to stop the sappiness, although I really do,  you're going to be late for homeroom. And since you were causing us to be late, I'm blaming it on you to my teacher." He grabbed his backpack from the backseat, slinging it over his shoulder.

"Go ahead." I crossed my arms. I couldn't help but laugh at what happened this morning.

"What do you mean you hate my outfit?" I asked Angelina, who was leaning on the doorframe of my bedroom.

"We have this dress up thing that happens every month at school. For the whole week, we have to dress up in a certain style."

"Well, what's today?" I asked, lying down on my bed causing me to bounce back up.

"Today is Rocker Monday. You have to dress up based on your favorite band." Lina spins around to show me her outfit.

"One Direction? Seriously? Aren't they like, not a thing anymore?" I rolled my eyes at her.

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