Chapter 73: Broken

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Andrew Price

It was all a blur.

Nurses passing by, officers asking me a million questions a minute, and the faint smell of rubbing alcohol.

I sat in one of the chairs by Lia's room.

When the ambulance took her to the hospital, they brought me too. They wanted to access my injuries, though they weren't as great as Lia's. I watched as the paramedics put an oxygen mask over her head, and put her on a stretcher.

The drive to the hospital was terrifying. The paramedics would constantly check Lia's vitals to make sure they were healthy, like they expected her to crash at any given point. I leaned my head against the wall, watching her. Her eyes had dried blood on them from the big gash on her forehead, and her nose was bleeding severely. That's when I looked down at myself, and noticed all the blood stains on my shirt and pants from her.

It didn't matter. Nothing mattered until her beautiful blue eyes were open and she was smiling.

I would give anything, even my own life, if it meant she was safe and happy.

I put my elbows against my knees and put my hands to my face. Rubbing my sore eyes, I sigh a heavy breath. Everything just seemed so uncertain, and all these questions just keep popping in my head.

I'm worried Lia might not make it. The car hit her hard, extremely hard. Enough to knock her out completely.

I tug at the curls matted on the top of my head, as I heard a thunderstorm of footsteps approach the loner chair I was sitting in across from Lia's room. The got louder, and louder, until they eventually all just stopped.

When they did, I looked up and saw a sea of people. Mason, Lina, their mother. My mom, Dad, Nick, and Celina. They all looked at me with the same expression.

Concern. Worry. Fear.

My Mom approached me, and pulled me into a crushing hug. I gave in, and wrapped my long arms around her small torso. When she pulled away, she examined me like the doctor did. She scanned my head, arms, until her eyes stopped at my stomach, which was wrapped in my t-shirt. It was stained dark red from the blood.

"It's not mine." I told her, meaning the blood. She seemed to understand, judging how she nodded her head slowly. Almost like she didn't want it to be true.

I know I didn't.

We stood there in silence for a few moments, unsure of what to do. We were stuck in time, waiting and waiting and waiting for answers. The line between nightmare and reality blurred as I thought of the repercussions of this accident.

No. No.

It wasn't a fucking accident. It was someone targeting my girlfriend to get back at me.

Mercy? Fuck it. I want answers and I want them now. I don't care if I have to kill somebody for it.

"I'll go grab some coffees for everyone while we wait." My Mom offered, pulling my Dad with her.

"I should probably go call Ben. He should know about his daughter." Lina and Mason's mother spoke, before leaving the hallway.

Now it was just Lina, Mason, and I. The air seemed to thicken as we were left alone.

"I hope we get answers soon." I said first, about to sit before I was pushed against the hospital wall.

Mason grabbed my jacket with his hands, making sure I couldn't escape his grasp. Fuck, he must've gotten stronger from the last time I saw him.

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