1 - The Greek god wants me?

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The noise, the sweaty people, the gossiping all too much for me. Why can't I just live a normal life where is I don't have to worry about anything. About bills, family, and a good for nothing father who just makes things worse for me and my little sister. Why does life hate me so much? I just wish sometimes that someone could just sweep me off my feet and take care of me and please let it be a hot hunk of a man.

Yes, I'm gay, and yes Paris is a girly name for a guy but hey it's not my fault my mother wanted to name me that. The reason why you ask, well my mother had no reason is just one look at me and she was like I'm gonna name you Paris cause I can.

My dad protested saying how he wanted me to be named after him but well my mom replied like this, "Listen here Dickerson, why would I want my child to be named after a man's private part" she said looking at me with an awe expression.

"Besides I carried Paris for nine months and experience the pain of childbirth and I'll be damn if I let my child be called Dick for short are you crazy," she said kissing my forehead.

And that's how I was named Paris and of course, I was a mommas boy. Then 7 years after that my mother got pregnant which was very risky since the doctor specifically told my mother that if she got pregnant she may lose her life-giving birth but my stubborn mother said to the doctor, "If I want to have a kid," she paused for a minute looking at the doctor who certainly was scared of her, "I'll have a damn kid got it"then walked away.

Then came my little sister Autumn. My mom only got to hold Autumn once before she flat-lined. The doctors tried to revive her for an hour but she never responded.

After my mother died which was the most horrible moment in my life. I had to grow up really fast since my father turns to gamble as a way of dealing with his mother's death. Which leads us to a lot of debts. We even had to sell the house my mother worked so hard in her life to buy for us to pay off some of my father's debts.

I even had to get a job at eight years old to take care of my one-year-old sister at the time and let me tell you that it was not fun for an eight-year-old kid. My father would always 'borrow' money from me and gamble it all away.

Sometimes I would have to hide my money away from that dickhead bastar-, excuse me for that I meant father. Years past and I'm now eighteen with three jobs. I've managed to convince my dad to stop gambling and he did or so I thought he did.

Right now I'm at one of my jobs as a dishwasher at a big-time restaurant, doing what you ask well-washing dishes. As I'm washing the dishes I suddenly felt something vibrating in my right pocket which is obviously my phone.

Quickly drying my hands on my apron I reached in my right pocket and answered my phone. "Hello?"I asked hearing a lot of shuffling on the other end.

"Par-bear?" The person said. If you're asking who the hell is this, this is Autumn my nine years old sister soon to be ten next week.

"Yes, Princess?" I asked concerned because Autumn know not to call me when I'm working unless it's an emergency.

"Dad found the stash of money that you've been saving and gave my ten bucks to keep shut about it" That's one this about Autumn she'll snitch if you do something wrong in front of her which I love it sometimes. Keyword sometimes.

"What?!" I yelled causing everyone in the kitchen to look at me but who cares when my dad just stole $5,000 dollars from me which was for Autumn school funds and college funds too.

Now, dad's gonna gamble it all away an bring more debts to pay when is that saggy dickhea-, sorry I meant father of mine gonna learn he's terrible at gambling.

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