When I Met You 01

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             Third Time The Charm

      I was beginning to think that I would never settle down. I am 16 years old, and my name is Lexi. I just got my driver license, and my first car. School always came first, but now that I have a car it was time to get a job. My parents insisted on me getting a job, to pay for my insurance and gas. I was glad that they offered to help with anything else.

    I have a limit that I could apply for, since I was still a minor, in high school. I applied at a few grocery stores and fast food places. I waited for a month or so, until I finally got a call back. It was one of the fast food places, I applied at, called Sonic. They wanted to see me first thing in the morning, to go over a few things. I wanted to be prepared, so I went to sleep to get a fresh start. The next morning, I jumped out of bed and got dressed. When I got ready, I drove myself to my first job. They handed over my uniform and an employee handbook. They told me to come back tonight, to get my name tag and schedule. I knew I would be working soon, and since it was my first job, I was excited.

     It was around six o'clock at night and I decided it was a good time to leave. As I made it to my new job, the place was empty. I was confused, but the lights were on, so I knew they were open. The moment I walked in through the doors, someone caught my eye. He had dark brown hair flipped to the side, pump pink lips, baby blue eyes, and fair skin. I was lost in his gorgeous blue eyes, like I was lost at sea. His mouth was moving, but I did not pay any attention. This man who was standing in front of me, was breath taking. I was admiring him, from his dark brown hair that was covered with a black hat, to the worn down shoes on his feet. I was in awe.

   "Say girl!" He exclaimed.

     "Oh I am sorry. What did you say?" I asked in embarrassment.

    "You got a boyfriend?" He asked me.

    Did I hear him right or am I still day dreaming over him? I could not focus, what was he doing to me. My heart was beating twice as hard now, and I felt my cheeks turn red. I did have a boyfriend at the time, but what should I say? No?

    "Y-y-yes I do," I said as I stuttered.

    By the looks of him and the way he was making my heart feel, I wanted to say "no", but I knew my heart answered for me. I knew I made the right choice, I mean I would see him at work right?

    I got back in my car after, I just embarrassed myself to death, on my first day. I cranked up my car and went home. I went to bed and laid down and thought about what happened tonight. What if I said no, would it of changed anything? I knew I made the right choice but, why could I not get him out of my head. I had a boyfriend after all. I wanted to know his name but, he did not tell me. But I did remember one of my friends from school that worked there. I texted her and asked her.

     "Do you know who the boy working up there, with the blue eyes and brown hair?" I texted her and asked.

   "Yes I do, why you like him?" She asked.

   I giggled like a little school girl who had a crush.

   "Yeah I do. He talked to me but, I did not catch his name," I replied.

    "His name is Ray."

   Ray. His name was Ray.

   It was not of nothing I have heard before. His name made me want to know more about him. I craved to know everything there was about him. I had work the next night. I would talk to him or wait for him to talk to me. And with that being said, I went to sleep. It was Friday, last day of the week for school. I had work at five o'clock tomorrow night.

    That morning I woke up and brushed my teeth and got dressed for school. I pulled my hair up, grabbed my keys, and I headed for the door. School was normal and boring as usual. I did not really pay attention, since my mind was stuck on him. I was ready to go to my first job and see him again. The final bell rang and I ran to my car, and headed off to work. I was ten minutes early and I guess that was a good thing. It was better being early than late to my first job.

    I got out of my car and walked to work. I was not worried about clocking in or nothing. All I was worried about was Ray. I went to the manager and asked if he was working today. And as soon as I said that, he walked in spinning a tray on his finger, like a basketball. He put the tray down, and the manager called him over. As he walked over I admired everything about him. His swag and everything.

   "Ray, your going to be training Lexi today," the manager said.

    "So that's your name, Lexi," smiling as he said my name.

   "Yes sir that's my name," I said playing with my hair.

    "No need to sir me, I'm only 17. I'm definitely not that old yet," he said with a wink.

   "Come on, let me show you what we do here," he said as he walked away.

   I immediately followed him and he began to train me. He walked with me to every customer to show me how to do everything. It was a start of something new.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy!

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