Memory Lane 09

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*Four Months After The Breakup*

            Ever since Ray and I broke up, everything has been different. I am definitely not motivated at school anymore or work. Ray lost his job at Sonic, and he has moved onto better things. We have not spoken since the breakup, but who knows maybe we will cross paths again. Work has been lonely and boring, Ray and I use to always flirt and talk while working but now, I do not say a word to anyone. My life has been plain without him, I miss him more and more every day but, I know it was not meant to be.

           Mom and dad have been on my butt about my school and job. They do not understand I am doing the best I can. I sometimes think about dropping out, but is it really worth it in the end, when I truly have nothing? I just hope he is doing okay, I tried to help him the best I could. I worked overtime some nights and weekends, so I could buy him clothes and anything he wanted. I don't believe he used me, I just do not know what to believe. Our lives have changed, and maybe it's time for me to move on.

Until one day, when I wake up to a lot of messages and missed calls from the same number. I soon listen to all the voicemails, and I realize it was him. Ray had finally contacted me after four or five months. Maybe he wanted me back, I thought full of hope and faith. I quickly returned his call for him not to answer. Desperately, I dial the number again. Finally, I think to myself that I was for nothing and that he does not want nothing to do with me. Ray shockingly picks up the phone and answers.

"Hello?" Ray asks.

"Hello?" I ask, shyly.

"Halley, is this you?" He reply's.

"Hello Ray, it's me Halley!" I answer him quickly.

"Uhh, I just wanted to say that I miss you and I'm so sorry for the what happened. I really and truly am, can you forgive me? And maybe give us another chance?" He asks sounding desperate.

"I thought you would never call or speak to me again. What is all this about? Is everything okay?" I ask still showing I care about him.

"Yes Halley I'm fine. Meet me at the ball park at nine. We need to talk and come alone," Ray said after hanging the phone up.

My mind was completely blown by what he had just said. I was shocked even more at who had just called me. It was nearly eight o' clock and I needed to get dressed. I jumped onto the floor and out of bed and began throwing clothes all around my room, trying to find that perfect outfit. I wanted to dress nicely if I was planning to see him again, maybe I had a higher chance of being with him, who knows. All I knew that he actually talked to me again, and he definitely wants to see me. I told my mom that Ray finally talked to me again and that he wanted to speak with me, I told her we might be trying to work things out. With hope and sparkles in my eyes, she let me go only if I was back before midnight.

I quickly got dressed and raced to the ball park to wait for the man of my dreams to come back. Nearly after 15 minutes, he pulled up behind me slowly with his lights turned off. This sent off a red flag not knowing what he has been doing. Ray creeped up behind me, when we pulled up next to me. Ray looked like he had been drug through the ringer, if you know what I mean. Ray looked like hell. He slowly stepped out his truck and walked over to mine. He opened my door, starred at me for a moment, and then out of nowhere he began to kiss me like he had never before. Ray was now on top of me pulling my clothes off and pushing his lips onto mine. We laid their what seemed like hours, when in reality it was only 20 or 30 minutes. I was in love with this man, but something did not feel right.

"Who's that?" I asked, after hearing Ray's phone light up.

"About that, that's the girl I been, uh talking to," he said mumbling and stuttering his words. He was ashamed and afraid. I just did not understand why.

"Talking to, as in, y'all are together?" I asked quickly.

"Yes but we're not serious or anything, I'm staying at her peoples house in my camper I bought," ray replied, trying his best to reassure me.

"So your talking to someone, while you just made love me?" I asked, getting ready to step out the vehicle, as I needed to breathe and this was a lot to take in at the moment.

"Yes I did. But she doesn't mean nothing to me, I want you Halley. I am here with you aren't I?" He questions me, and turns it around on me. This is what he knew best to do. But after a sense a relief calmed over me, ray knew he had me hooked back in, like a fish on a line. Ray and I smoked a little and laid down in my car, as we talked longer. We might of made love again, and so what? Ray was cheating but, all that mattered to me, was that he was here with me. He definitely showed signs that he wanted me back, but things well, were complicated. I was his smoking buddy, and he was mine. We had a very clear relationship, much love was involved but, we could not show it. He was in my arms tonight, but who's arms would he be in tomorrow night?

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