Chapter 11

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Canth tightened his belt. Maybe this time it will stay put, he thought doubtfully.

Beside him Castleia gave him a glowering look as if she could read his mind. "Maybe it's a good thing you became a scribbler," she muttered. "You're as skinny as a quill and about as useful in a fight."

He tried to laugh but the voice died in his throat. Between her glare and the sullenness of the day merriment felt like wasted breath.

Clopping horse hooves brought a thankful end to the less-than-cordial conversation.

Behind them three stout animals lumbered, their bridles held by equally stout and shaggy-looking men. Emereld walked beside them, though he was largely hidden beneath a huge cloak of drab grey wool that covered all but his flowing white beard.

As the small company approached, Emereld shoved his cloak's cowl from his face and examined the dying light of the day. "It is a fair night for travel. You should make it a great distance before morn."

"And we must leave at dusk and travel in the dark for what reason?" Castleia challenged. "The Moon's deathlight in the morning is far luckier than the its brother's at night. "

One of the men who accompanied Emereld raised a meaty fist to strike her, but the Mir would have none of it. An icy look froze the blow before it could land.

"You have a heart in you girl, but you will need more than that to survive the wilds. A great plain and many hills separates you from your destination and other dangers besides. If any of Narenhior's kin remain, I suspect they will take little sympathy in your journey. There remain in some in the city so taken with the moonwalker's tales that they may well do you ill just the same. The dusk's light will hide you from such men."

The Mir's look turned to Canth. "You carry the letter I have written, yes?"

He nodded nervously. "In my satchel. It will take no water or wind there."

The old man's head ducked. "Well enough. See to it that it makes it the king of the Halfmen." Emereld shook his head, eyes turning again to the stars that had begun to peak through the deathlight of the sun. "My years grow beyond my wisdom. It was folly to send the Watch on such an errand as this. My bones ache at the thought of what may come of them. May the Great Hunter hear my apology for their lives." He returned to look at them. Canth could not tell if his eyes shone with the light of the sun or if tears hung there. "You two - you are all the recompense I can offer."

"And if they will not hear us?" Castleia's words remained sharp but her voice had softened like the dusk sunlight.

Emereld shrugged his frail shoulders. "Then nothing can be done. Deliver your message and send word," he waved toward the rear pack horse. Two cages containing inky black crows hung from either side of the empty saddle. Canth knew them well enough. They had been trained the rookery inside the Strongfast since their birth. Any message put in their claw would surely reach the city again. "Should the worst happen, I have little counsel to give you."

Castleia hefted her scythe-like ax confidently. "I'll see to it that it doesn't - for my skin if not for theirs."

Canth's right hand fingered the uncut stone set in the pommel of the sword he had been given. If I could only be so confident.

The girl's words seemed to bring some solace to the old man. He smiled. "I have little doubt that you will. But it is many leagues from here to there. I saw to it that the scrolls should be packed for you," the Mir said to Canth. "There is some five miles in disagreement between the charts but their maps are better than nothing at all."

"Thank you, Mir." He fumbled a look between Emereld and Castleia, unsure of what to do. Finally he ducked in a small bow.

A larger grin graced the governor's face. "It seems that you are well sent then. Provisions, armament, all await you on your animals. It is in my heart to send more men with you, but I cannot risk it for fear that they will be needed here or that their absence should be noticed."

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