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| Real Chap— Lookism ep. 47 |
Ep. 44 Dream
not edited

"It's not your fault"

A ghostly whisper fell on deaf ears.

Your eyes snapped open, you got up as fast as you can as your panting was heavy— your hand was clutching onto the fabric of your clothes. 'The fuck...'

With little to no explanation as to what that was, you breathing slowed down. And your cold sweat dried almost immediately.

You began to sync back into reality for a bit to hear some grunts and shouting in an alleyway close by. Standing up from the gazebo you heard the voices a bit more clearly, listening into it as you didn't even had time to wonder where Daniel and his gift bag went.

"-You're free"

You trudged over towards the alleyway's opening, the scene unfolding on itself as your eyes pierced towards the a group of people trying to gang up on Daniel's small form. You never seen them before, a Bruce Lee looking guy, a stick man, and a giant bitch who looked like the pig who travelled with Sun Wukong, you also noted the guy from earlier and a new girl you saw standing on the sidelines. Looking nervous as fuck.

"Have a nice life" You heard the giant guy say before turning around with a wad of money in his hands, you assumed that the cash was Daniel's. Everybody started to turn and walk away from the scene, you even spotting one of the guys laughing and spitting on Daniel's face as something inside you snapped.

"Asshole" One of the guys giggled.

You stood there as the giant pig laid eyes on you, immediately stopping all movements as his jaw dropped, hands loosening as he almost dropped the cash.

"It's that girl sleeping on the gazebo!" The other guys noticed.
"You're finally awake lol"

You saw the pig not opening his mouth to say anything as only a blush was evident on his face.


Without skipping a beat, you propelled a fist to his nose, successfully breaking the cartilage.

With dropping jaws and surprised looks of everyone in the alleyway, the giant pig was on the ground. Blood rushing down his nose as you clenched your first, pupils dilating as small as possible.

You continued stalking towards the group of teenagers, all of them backing up as you grabbed the broken nosed asshole by his collared shirt.




[ A/N I kinda want to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch now ]

You repeatedly swung square in his face, making sure to leave a scar. With your fist all bloodied and with the horrified looks of everybody there, you stood up, towering over his unconscious body before pocketing his wallet.

The money they stole from Daniel.

Back to Daniel's position, he watches you in complete stunned silence.

ANIMALISM | Lookism x Parody! Delinquent! Reader [ CURRENTLY EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now