Five || Little Village

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It took two months for Shade, Van Helsing and Carl to get to Transylvania, every second filled with a whining Carl or a slight protest from Shade. It had been agreed, before they left, that Shade would not transform unless it was absolutely necessary. Transylvania was like a safari for supernatural creatures such as Vampires and Werewolves, the original legends had seemed to start from the very core of this wasteland. So Shade, as much as she hated it, had been forced to ride a horse to their destination as soon as they had gotten off the ship they had travelled on. This was when Van Helsing caught the girl in a lie, horses did like her, unlike she said, she just didn't know how to ride them very well.
"Is it too late to turn back?" Shade asked as the horses trotted up a small slope that lead to a town just at the peak of it.
"Sadly, yes." Was Carl's reply who was huddled under a large cloak, while glaring at Shade who was in her usual outfit, unaffected by the cold weather.
The young werewolf could feel the look from her religious partner, taking off her jacket and tying the sleeves around her slender waist. There were some advantages to what she was, especially when it came to the weather, although she hated spring and summer for its hot climaxes. Yet she couldn't help not laugh at the groan of annoyance that came from the young friar who probably wished to condemn her to hell by this point in their journey.
"Let's just skin her and make a fur coat," Carl spoke to Van Helsing. "There'll be enough fur to make two!"
Those words seemed to have put a stop to the laughing of the lycanthrope but it sure as hell set Van Helsing off. The male hunter roared with laughter, actually imagining Shade as a fur coat, jet black fur and hanging over his shoulders. It seemed as if the female could read his thoughts because she began to try and kick him off of his horse with a few small growls of frustration until they finally settled back into a comfortable silence.
It didn't take long to reach the small town, villagers passing by to continue with their daily routine while the three strangers rode into the very centre. People slowly began to take notice of the company who stuck out like sore thumbs with their attire, which looked a lot more luxurious then the rags that the villagers clad themselves in. It was unnerving, to be watched by the villagers, something Shade made sure to comment on as the trio dismounted from their horses and grabbing their stuff.
"Is it always like this?" Carl whispered to Van Helsing who was looking at the villagers that had begun to surround them with all sorts or weapons that ranged from pitch forks to torches.
"Pretty much"
"Damn, I wasn't supposed to be pitch forked until my hair started to turn grey," Shade commented, earning her a glare from her companions, now was not the time to joke about her condition, even if it was funny.
"You, turn around," A feminine voice spoke up from behind the three, making them turn around. "Let me see your faces."
"Why?" Van Helsing and Shade spoke up at the same time, one reply more hostile than the other.
"We don't trust strangers, strangers don't last very long here."
"I wonder why?" The werewolf growled under her breath as she watched a man with long white hair and black leather clothing measure the Van Helsing height.
"5'7 by 2'3," That made Shade want to punch the white haired man in the face.
"You will now be disarmed," The woman announced, waving her hand at the people.
"You can try," Van Helsing spoke clearly so that all of the villagers could hear him, surprisingly calm in this situation.
Now the only reason Shade had stayed so calm was because the woman in front of her was the woman she had been sent here to help and the same woman she had seen in her dream. Anna the last of the Valerious family and a fine reason to cause the young werewolf to strain with her self-control, Anna had done nothing but check out Van Helsing since she appeared.
A scent carried itself upon the wind, causing Shade to tense up, eyes turning bitch black as she stood frozen to the spot. Her eyes held no focus, everything seeming to slip away from around her, as if the only thing keeping her grounded was the fear that settled in the pit of her stomach. Something was coming, the sound of wings slicing through the currents of air making her wince at how they echoed in her ears. The conversation between Anna and Van Helsing had all but been drowned out, the heavy weight of a hand on the young female's shoulder, pulling her out of the state she had fallen in to. She leaned into it, knowing from scent that it was Van Helsing.
Then she was being pushed to the side by the very man, barely avoiding the vampire that flew pass her with a shriek of frustration. Villagers were running to get inside, screams filling the air along with the sounds of beating wings and the firing of Van Helsing's crossbow.
Shade got to her feet, running to a nearby bell tower and climbing up into the darkness of it. She settled in a crouching position, using this advantage point to take aim and fire her own crossbow at the flying bloodsuckers. Yet her skin tingled with a familiar sensation, making her squirm in discomfort and miss a few of her marks. Every part of her was screaming to change, to fight the vampires as a beast with similar strength, even if it meant breaking the one rule she had been given.
"This counts as a necessary situation," She muttered under her breath, watching a mother grab her child before running to the shelter of a nearby home.
The lycanthrope threw down her weapon before taking a deep breath and leaning over the edge of the position she had taken. She fell, the wind whipping past her face and tugging at the clothes that clung to her, it felt like claws of ice being roughly dragged down her body as her transformation took over her, the adrenaline fuelling the wolf with enough strength to escape its fleshy prison. It had long since stopped hurting, now only a numbness as her body changed it shape.
Then she landed, large muscles rippling under the fur that had sprouted from her body, her breathing hard as she looked up with eyes of night, baring her fangs in a challenging snarl at the three vampires.

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