Eleven || I Didn't Do It For You

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Shade had been introduced to the creature that accompanied Carl and Van Helsing, almost acting like a temporary fufillment to the space that had been punched into their small group by the kidnapping of the princess. The news of current events left the young werewolf feeling rather dissapointed, she had made quite a promise to the cause that she fought for and now she felt as if she had failed the reason why they had come to this desolate land in the first place. But nothing could quite compare to the pain that clawed at her heart when she saw the bloodied bite of a werewolf on Van Hesings shoulder. Hot rage flashed in her eyes, a primal feeling gripping her body in an iron grip as she made to walk away, stopping only when Van helsing wrapped his large hand around her upper arm, keeping her from going anywhere that he was not able to see her. 

"Shade, the werewolf responsible is dead." He told her, a shadow of guilt swirling in the abyss of his iris.

"Now you will become that in which you have hunted so passionately." The creature of their group spoke up with a slightly angry edge to his voice. 

Carl had taken a moment to whisper to Shade, revealing the creature as the experiment of the late Doctor Frankenstein who was suppose to have been killed along with this creature because of his crimes in grave robbery.

Sighing softly, Shade slipped her hand into Van Helsings pocket, small fingers wrpping around the cool metal of the dart pipe. She pulled it from his pocket, loading a dart into the barrel of it, her eyes looking into that of Frankensteins creature with unsettling sadness and regret.

"I'm sorry, this is the only way to defeat Dracula and get back the asset in which we were charged to protect."

"May others be as passionate in their hunting of you both." Was his reply were the dart was shot into the side of his neck, causing him to lose consciousness and fall to the ground. 

The weight of Van Helsings hand settled on Shades shoulder, squeezing it gently in an attempt to comfort her for her actions. He understood what she was doing, after he had told her about the conversation with the vampire bride Allera, he knew that Shade would want to go to the ball to save Anna.

"Lets do this."

Shade turned, leaving Carl and Van Helsing to carry Frankenstiens monster as they made their way to the location of the ball, picking up their masquerade costumes along the way. In their travels, they managed to find an old graveyard that they were able to use to hide Frankensteins monster in an old crypt.

"Well, they won't find him in here." Shade chuckled slightly as she walked out of the bushes towards the two disguised men that were dragging a large wooden beam that they planned to lean against the door to the crypt to ensure it was unable to be opened by the being inside.

"I am sure this is some sort of sin." Carl piped up, his voice shaking slightly as he spoke.

"God will forgive us." Van Helsing countered as he continued to lift the beam.

"We need to save Anna." Shade added as she watched the two struggle with mild amusement.

"You don't think the hat's a bit much?" Carl questioned, turning to Shade for her opinion, completely forgetting about the task that he was suppose to be helping with, which he was reminded of when Van Helsing called for his aid.

"How many commandments can we break in one day?" Carl continued, causing his female companion to giggle, he shook his head at her before turning his attention to Van Helsing. "Anyway, according to the book, you won't turn into a werewolf until te rising of your first full moon."

"That is two nights from now." Shade mumbled out, not really wanting to hear this side of the conversation but that didn't stop Carl from saying more, all three of them walking away from the now barricaded crypt.

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