Déjà Vu

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"Ok so I've asked everyone I know about the night of your accident, but no one knows anything or they just didn't care." Camren said pacing back and forth in front of us.

"These people at this school are so heartless." Ella said while standing on the edge of the school rooftop.

"Oh yeah that reminds me. We can't forget about what Steven said to you when you got here. That was pretty fishy?" Camren said holding her chin thinking.

"Why are you two making this your problem again?" I asked looking at them both. They both stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"Because I love you and care about you." Camren spoke up which caused Ella to glare at her

"Ok, whatever just continue your babbling." They smiled and continued thinking.

"La la la lalala." I turned around and saw Ella dancing along the edge singing.

"You're going to fall to your death." I said watching her.

She grinned, "Does Ava care about me?"

"No, for all I care you can fall." Then on point Ella misplaced her footing and slipped, but I caught her and pulled her towards me making us fall to the ground hard. This is familiar too also ouch.

We both sat up looking at each other. "Are you ok." Ella asked me while she was rubbing her head.

"I guess, but why would you purposely trip?" I spat out.

"I didn't and besides I thought you said you didn't care if I fell." She smirked. I ignored her comment and looked away.

"Ava are you ok?" Camren asked worriedly. She bent down and slowly helped me to my feet and sat me down on the ledge. "Ella I bet this is your fault. What happened?"

Ella looked away and nervously smiled, "I was walking on the edge and kinda tripped, but Ava caught me and now we're fine." She said cheerfully.

Camren just glared at her and looked at me. "I'm glad you're ok." Then to my surprise she kissed me on the lips. She pulled away and smiled. Why do I keep allowing her to continue to kiss me again? Oh yeah, because she's my girlfriend.

I looked at her then back at Ella who was walking away. "I got to go." She hollered. What's up with her?

"We better go too." Camren said looking at the time on her phone. She got up and grabbed mine and her things and helped me up to my feet then began walking with me to our next class. "You know I still can't quit thinking about what Steven said to you?"

"Why?" I asked.

"I feel like he has something to do with what happened to you, but I can't be 100% positive unless I find more evidence."

We got to the door of our class room. As she began opening the door she smiled, "You know what, that's exactly what I'm gonna do."



I closed my locker and headed outside to sit under the tree before anyone else does. I opened the school doors and walked down the steps to the tree. "Hey Ava!" I felt an arm around my shoulders.

"Where's Camren?" She asked looking behind me.

"She's home sick."

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