04 | Oh, Brother

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"Get out of here!" Rob shouted at me again.

"Oh my God, Rob no!" The girl said loudly in humiliation. She was now covered up and pulling on her clothes hastily. "I should go, I'm so embarrassed!"

"Clara, you don't have to go." He said urgently, trying to convince her that their night could be salvaged.

"I really should." She was already making her way to the door, holding her things securely against her chest. She stopped in front of me awkwardly. Now that she was more in the light, and Rob wasn't stuck to her face, I could see that she was really pretty. She had a side braided afro, a deep caramel complexion and soft features that gave her a very gentle and sort of baby-face appearance.

"I'm really sorry you had to see that." Clara said self-consciously to me. She brushed past and shut the door behind me. I looked at a seething Rob and turned to make my escape.

"Lia." He said angrily through gritted teeth. A jagged breath came out of my mouth and I walked to him, not being able to quite look him in the eyes yet. At least he had already managed to put some pants on, thank god. The image of his naked ass would haunt me.

"You just messed up my whole night, I hope you're happy." He said harshly.

"Are you seriously pissed at me right now?!" He jumped at my sudden and loud backlash. "Do you think I wanted to see that? And mom and Derek are right downstairs! He even said you ate dinner together, so what? Did you sneak her up here the first chance you got?"

"They never would have found out." He snaps bitterly.

"What if it had been mom who walked in instead of me?"

He exhaled and rubbed his temples, mulling over everything I had said.

"Okay, I know you're right," He admitted. "I shouldn't blame you, but you gotta understand how much you just cockblocked me."

I cringed at his wording.

"What's up with you and this girl anyway?" I asked, trying to change the direction the conversation was going. I was frankly curious, Rob had never been one to be so forgetful about locking a door or bringing girls here when mom and Derek were around too.

"Uh, we're just kind of friends with benefits I guess," He stated nonchalantly. "We started hooking up this summer but agreed to keep it casual so we can still get with other people."

"If you started hooking up this summer then why haven't I seen you together before today?"

"We didn't want anyone to think we were dating, so we've been keeping it low key." He answered back.

"And eating her face off in front of the whole school is the way to stay low key." I nodded sarcastically.

"She's been away for a few weeks, what can I say? I was excited."

"Alright, that's enough information." I felt my nose scrunch up.

"Believe me, I've learned my lesson," He facepalmed himself. "Won't happen again."

I told him the reason I came up there anyway and that mom was waiting for him. He grumbled and threw on a shirt.

"You coming too?"

"Nah, I'll be on the roof." I replied.

"Be careful up there, you aren't exactly a well-coordinated person." He laughed because it was totally true.

"C'mon you know I'm used to it, I'm fine." I reassured him. He raised his hands to back off and made his way out of the room.

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