07 | The Party

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The sides of my stomach ached with burning laughter as I felt the cool wooden floor beneath me. My brain was all fuzzy, but I was in the best mood possible. Maybe because I was here with him, or maybe because I was drunk off my ass. He looked at me and laughed along, leaning down to lie next to me on the hard surface.

"God, you're so wasted right now." He said with bright eyes.

"Mmm, and you're sexy. Now get over here and kiss me." I replied with total confidence, reaching out to make contact with his unclothed muscular chest.

He wasted no time at my request, his strong hands gripped the bare skin of my thigh as he moved over me, sending fire through my core. I gasped at his touch and pulled him closer against me, he grinned before pressing his lips back on mine, our tongues dancing with one another.

"I love this side of you." He quickly breathed out and then went back to kissing me. A deep groan rumbled from the back of his throat and vibrated against my mouth, causing my desire to skyrocket.

I wanted him so bad, and just from that groan he let out...I could tell he wanted me too.

-Ten Hours Earlier-

Rachel's convertible car screeched to a halt as we pulled up outside of her house. She had been talking non-stop on the whole drive, but I was still seething about that infuriating encounter with Jay Carter. The nerve of that guy.

I opened the door of the car and stepped out, looking up at Rachel's huge beach mansion; it overlooked the ocean with such a magnificent view that I got jealous every time I came here. I grabbed my bag off the backseat, and we walked through the perfectly tended front garden that was overflowing with beautiful flowers. The fragrance mixed with the sea air gushed into my lungs and gave me a spike of light-headedness.

With Rachel's parents in Los Angeles for the weekend, everything was ready to be set up for tonight. We walked into the spacious entrance hall and her phone rang, probably Harris again. I made my way up to her room on the second floor while she took the call, sighing at the sight of it when I opened the door. I had been here a million times, but I would never get used to how amazing her house was. I put my bag down and walked over to the bay window, viewing over the hill that led right down to the secluded beach. But even with this picturesque scene in front of me, I still couldn't shake Simone's words from my head. What she said earlier had really stuck with me.

What if Matt was expecting me to sleep with him tonight? What if I rejected him and he dumped me? Ha, dumped me... We weren't even dating; it would be easier for him to leave me now rather than later.

"You okay?" Rachel stood in the doorway and looked at me with concern. I closed my eyes for a second and wiped my mind of those thoughts.

"I'm good." I faced her with a smile. She hesitated and looked like she was going to press further, so I continued. "Was that Harris calling?"

"Yeah, he's with Matt and Carter now. They're picking up some drinks." She responded happily. "Wanna get ready for the party?"

I nodded and we went to her walk-in closet. It was filled to the brim with designer clothes and shoes, mostly in pink. I started getting out my outfit, but Rachel stopped me.

"Before you get dressed, I have something for you." She was already rummaging around on a shelf before I could respond, quickly pulling out a striped pink and white shopping bag, Victoria's Secret was printed on the front.

"What's this?" I asked hesitantly.

"Okay, so I bought this to wear for Harris, but I wanna give it to you." She pushed the bag into my hands. "I can't let you wear that mismatched mess you have on right now, and even if Matt doesn't see it, you'll feel more confident just wearing it."

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