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Dedicated to alleyalice for being the first ever to vote for this book.

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Using his werewolf hearing he would have known if I was asleep or not by listening to my heartbeat but he still gave me the choice.

I almost go back pretending to sleep when I remember that I have to ask him about my backpack and so, I wake up and let out a small fake yawn as I get out of bed.

"Sure. Let me just freshen up." I say as I stand up and stretch.

He smiles breathtakingly and says:

"I know you don't have any clothes to change into and so I brought you some of my sisters clothes. Who by the way happens to be the Alpha of this pack, Did I tell you that already? And als-" he says and I cut him off.

"Relax! Thanks for the clothes" I say smiling. "Now where's the bathroom?"

"Right this way, follow me!" He says while walking out of the room.

I follow closely behind as he turns a corner then stops at a wooden door.

"There you go! Enjoy" He says.

I smile and say:

"I shall indeed!" I mean when was the last time I even had a proper shower?

He just stares at me weirdly and I ignore him.

I open the door to find a simple looking bathroom, nothing fancy like all the motels I've been in. Instead it has a feeling of being at home.. Do you get it?

I switch on the heater and I start stripping my clothes one by one as I walk towards the shower.

I turn the valve left and the water starts flowing, at first the water is warm and then it gets hotter and hotter with every passing second and weirdly enough I don't mind.

After a couple of minutes I have to leave the shower (sadly) because Jason keeps telling me that the food will get cold.

I dry myself and apply some lotion on my body as I make my way towards the pile of clothes Jason had given me.

I pull out a white T-shirt with roses on it and then the black trousers. I put them on and they fit perfectly.

I get out of the steaming bathroom and start walking down the hall searching for Jasons scent. I find him sitting on one of the sofa sets in the small living room, looking downwards holding his head between his hands looking somewhat stressed.

"Hey" I say and he instantly looks up.

"Wow. You look amazing!" He says and I blush.

"I'm only doing this because I need my backpack." I chant to myself.

"Sure you are! " Snow says sarcastically. " I totally believe you." She finishes off with an eye roll.

"Not helping!" I say.

"Come on! Just give our mate a chance.. Just for tonight? Please?" She begs and I honestly could not deny her.

"Fine. Just tonight." I reply and through the bond we share I can tell she's happy.

"April" I hear.

"Hmm" I reply.

"Are you okay?" He asks worry written all over his face.

"Yeah. Why are you asking?"

"You had kinda zoned out." He says and I realise that he must have been calling me when I was talking to Snow.

"Ohh. I was just having a chat with my wolf." He smiles and asks "What's her name?"


"Beautiful name. I can't wait to meet her." He says more to himself but I catch it and Snow squeals excitedly.

I smile at her reaction.

"Well, where do you want to eat ? Here or in the backyard?" He asks.

The backyard? At this time? How would he have set it up?

" Backyard? " I ask curiously.

"Yeah. I have the table all set up and plus its not really a backyard per se because we'll be sitting on the verandah and having a beautiful view of the lake." He says scratching the back of his neck.

Again, he's giving me a choice.

"The backyard will be fine." I say purposely putting air quotes on the word "backyard".

"Okay then. Let me just warm the food and I'll meet you there." He says while standing up.

"I'll help." I say getting up too.

"You don't have to." He says while scratching the back of his neck again.

"I know, But I want to." I say as I gesture for him to lead the way.

He smiles and leads me to the kitchen.

"What did you do? " I ask in shock as I enter the kitchen to find different types of delicious food . Ranging from pizza, spaghetti with little chunks of hotdogs cut up in it, Chinese , rice and finally meat stew.

He looks at me sheepishly while scratching the back of his neck and says " I wasn't sure what you would like" he pauses " Choose your favourite".

Again, a choice ! I'm really starting to like this guy.

"Told ya! How could you not? He is our mate after all." Snow squeals and I ignore her.

I choose pizza and after we warm it I arrange them back in the box and make my way towards the "backyard", While Jason follows closely behind me with a wine bottle and two glasses.

As I cross the door leading to the "backyard" I can't help but think about how today and tonight have been about making choices and as I place the pizza on the table , take a seat and look up at the night sky, I hope I'm making the right one....


Hey guys!😁😁😁

Sorry for the long wait.

I hope you liked it. If you did then please leave a comment so that I know what you're thinking and please also vote. It means a lot.

Next update on Sunday❤



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