Chapter 33: A Real Werewolf (Jed)

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Groaning, I let go of the doorframe to the toilet room and staggered to the sinks. My feet were still killing me, but I was done pissing in a bedpan. I ended up crawling onto the counter to get the weight off my ankles and fell onto my side. Closing my eyes, I took deep breaths. It would be okay. Only a few more days until I'd change back and this would all be over with.

"Jed? Jedrek!"

I sat up and gripped the edge.

Axil entered the bathroom, looking a little panicked. "What the hell," he breathed. "Give me a heart attack."

I shrugged. "I needed to use the bathroom. I didn't think you'd be home for awhile."

"The meeting ended earlier." He walked over and stood in front of me. "How are your feet? They're usually the last thing to adjust." He reached for one.

I pulled them to my chest. "Not ready to be touched."

"It's been nearly two weeks." Axil tilted his head to the side.

"Yeah, not nearly long enough to recover. Have you ever looked at a human's foot and then one of yours." I motioned at the floor. "They're a little different."

Axil smiled. "Just a bit." He moved in and started massaging my ankle.

I backed up against the mirror and gritted my teeth. "That fucking hurts."

"I know," he replied simply. "It's not going to get any better until you get your muscles to relax."

I glared at him. "Doesn't matter. I'm going to change back soon enough."

"Perhaps," said Axil with no expression.

"I'm never going to do it with you. I'm not into dudes."

Axil jerked my leg hard away from my chest. The air rushed from me. I laid my head back against the mirror and cursed.

"Humans are so particular about male and female. It must be annoying to have to limit yourself to half the population to produce a good heir."

"There's such a thing called attraction." I gripped the faucets to keep from falling onto the floor.

"I'm attracted to you," said Axil.

"You're attracted to my damn blood."

"Well, your attitude is shit." He moved to my other foot.

My eyes started to water. It hurt so bad.

"I like your fur too." His eyes flicked up for a moment before back to my foot. "Werewolves there's not much difference between males and females. There's just as many dominant females and males. Hell, our pack is known for our female alphas. The current alpha's daughter is already in the running for the position. We don't rely on traditional pairings for offspring anymore. You and I will have plenty of pups of our own. We'll have to hire a female to carry our pup, but beyond that, I don't see why it matters if you're a male."

I shook my head at him. "Fine." I yanked my leg free. "I'm not attracted to assholes. Male or female. Do you feel better now?"

Axil smiled. "Now you're just making it personal." He grabbed me around the waist and plopped me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I pounded my fist on his back. "I made it this far. I'll walk back by myself."

He took me to the jacuzzi and set me down. I stood there for a moment, on shaking legs.

"Sit down." Axil turned on the water. "Now."

I did so, cursing him in my head.

"It'll help you relax." He adjusted the temperature. "And you're starting to smell."

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