Chapter 10: Special Treatment (Collin)

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"Here." I dropped the package into Milo's hands.

"What is it, sir?" He examined the brown bag that was stapled at the top.

"Open it." I settled onto the couch and crossed my ankle over my knee. "It's nothing bad. I thought I should reward you for all your hard work."

Milo ripped off the top and pulled out the box of dark chocolate truffles. "Wow. What are these?"

"Try one."

He sat on the floor and unwrapped one. Milo bit into it and smile. "They're really good." He took out another and held it up to me.

I took it from him. "I figured you would like them." I popped the truffle in my mouth. I thought they were pretty good myself.

Milo laid the side of his head on the couch and started devouring the chocolates one by one. I mostly bought them because the pup needed some calories. His bones were sticking out a little too much and I was getting worried. Milo was such a timid thing. I wouldn't be surprised if the other slaves pushed him around when it came to food.

My ear flicked to the side when it caught the sound of someone walking down the hall. A knock on the door soon followed. Milo froze and looked from his hands to me.

I patted his head. "Go ahead and finish them off. I bought them for you."

He tentatively did so as the door opened.

My mother entered, holding a couple envelopes. Her eyes immediately went to Milo. "What is he doing?"

"Eating." I stepped in front of the human. "What do you need?"

"You can start with why a slave is sitting in here eating"—she leaned to the side—"chocolate? Why is he eating chocolate?"

"Because I gave it to him."

"Collin," she breathed, rubbing her brow. "He's a slave. I bought him to help around the house. If he's not in here working, then send him to the kitchen. It takes a lot of work to keep this house in order."

I glanced at the boy behind me. He was kneeling with his head down. I could smell the fear radiating from him. "I'm the head of the house." I folded my arms. "I can do what I want with my slaves and I told Milo to eat the gift I got him. He's too skinny as it is."

My mother held up her hands. "I'm not dealing with this right now." She let out a huff. "These came for you."

Taking them from her, I read the labeled. "Damn it."

"One's from the alpha."

"I know." I ran a hand down my muzzle.

She forced a smile. "You are a high ranking member of the pack, Collin. The alpha just wants to utilize your talents."

"And utilizing those talents means dad will have to back to run the farm and I need to decide a mate. Neither of which I want to deal with."

She looked a little taken back. "Well, it is practical to have a mate and be set in your life before taking on such a high position, but it's not mandatory. I mean the beta just decided on a mate and he's older than you."

"Hmm... well, I have work to do." I tapped the letters on my hand. "Thanks for bringing them to me."

"Of course. Let me know when your training period is so we can prepare for you being gone."

"I will."

She turned to leave but not before shaking her head at Milo. The door closed and I went back to my spot on the couch.

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