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I'll make this short, don't worry :)

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I'll make this short, don't worry :)

1. If I have accepted your entry, but haven't added it to my reading list, PM me so I can do so. I do my best, but I may miss out one or two.

2. The download link to the participation sticker is in my bio, if anyone wants it.

3. If you were the first entrant in any category, feel free to PM me to get a review of any of your other works or a graphic. I'll give you the details there. 

4. Please read the rules and requirements! The password is NOT seven!

5. The Awards can't begin without the judges! We need you, Karen. If anyone's interested, or knows anyone who would be, I'd love you forever if you'd tag them, or enter as a judge yourself. Honestly. 

6. I've added Fantasy as a new genre to the list! If anyone wants to move their book to a different category, please PM me.

Thank you!

Good luck, and may the Odds be ever in your favor.

2018 REGAL AWARDS | JUDGINGWhere stories live. Discover now