Part 8

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*Mias wolf  above*

Kayden's POV

It's been a whole week now and I'm scared she'll never wake up.
these past few days has been hell not only for me but for the pack, they know their luna hasn't woken up yet, and I'm not able to reassure them or do anything in my state now.. especially since I don't know what will happen.

Jackson and Lucas told me they'll take over for a bit and I'm so thankful to them, I don't know what I did to earn such amazing friends..

I'm currently sitting beside my mate, that's all I've been doing for the past week other than going for runs, my sleep has been absolutely terrible and I've only showered.. once I think? I don't know..
I rest my head down on her bed as I feel my eyelids start to get heavy.
The doctor said once she wakes up I can take care of her in my room as long as he comes to check in her.
I hear my stomach rumble loud, when did I last eat again? Should I be feeling this *yawn* tired.. huh when did I last sleep.. maybe if I just close my eyes for a second..

Kayden's moms POV

I rub my temples to try and relieve some stress, Kayden has barley eaten anything and he's such a mess. I shake my head.
Maybe I'll get him some warm homemade soup with buttered bread I smile as I get to cooking. He loves chicken soup so that's what I chose to make plus it should help him feel better.

I grab all the ingredients start chopping the vegetables up and putting them in the pot, I feel a hand grab my arm and look over to see Lilly.

"Hello dear how are you holding up?" I say gently with a small smile.

"Better then you mom" she says sweetly with a slight chuckle.

I look at her confused then follow her gaze to the pot where I see some carrots cut up along with apples, cheese and bananas, then I spot some pickles and crackers...?

I start to blush as I realize I wasn't grabbing only vegetables for the soup "oh my I guess I am a bit stressed out, this soup wouldn't taste very good would it?" I grab the pot and empty it into the garbage bin.

"Here let me help you mom" she lets out a laugh and grabs the Vegetables for the soup. "Did we still want to try mixing fruit in? It could make a new flavour" She glances and me trying to hold back laughter.

"Haha I think we'll stick to vegetables" I put them all in with some water and let them heat up, I quickly get to making the dough for noodles.

"Is this for Kayden?" I hear Lilly ask.

"Yes it is, I'm not sure how much he's eaten so I thought some chicken noodle soup would be good" I give her a smile which she returns. Lilly loved to cook with me and it made me so happy.
Once we finished the soup Lilly offered to take it to Kayden and that I should get some rest.

Kayden's POV

I felt a tap on my shoulder and groaned then I felt another.
"Whaaat" I say with my voice muffled in the covers.

"Me and mom made you some food" I look up at her to see the bowl and toast on a plate then give my sister a smile.

"Thanks I am a bit hungry" I grab the plate and start eating.
I watch as my sister takes a seat near the wall and look at my mate.
"How is she doing?" She asked.

"The doctors say she should be waking up soon, her state is still stable and her wounds are healing nicely for her body, they say her healing process is much slower due to the extent of her injuries and the period of time it's been happening" that's all I knew so that's what I told her.

"That's horrible she had to go through that but good she's doing well, do you know her name?"

I looked at my spoon that was filled with soup and stared at it for a bit.
"No, I don't"
I put the spoon in my mouth and tasted the savoury flavour of chicken noodle soup.

After I finished my food I put it on the counter and thought I should probably go for a run.
"Hey sis I'm going to go for a run could you watch her for me?"

"Of course"

"And if she wakes-"

"I'll let you know if anything happens I promise" I looked at her and nodded, I trusted my sister a lot and knew my mate was safe with her.

I walked down the hall and shifted into my wolf as soon as I opened the doors. I ran, it was something that could calm me and get stuff off my chest. I ran for what was probably hours until I felt a push on my mind link.

"What is it?" I asked

"Kayden she's awake but she bolted out!" After hearing that I ran straight for the pack hospital, why is she running!? I thought getting a bit mad.

Mia's POV (sorry for all the POV changes >~<)

I felt oddly peaceful and calm.. what is this?
I look around but I see only darkness.
Am I dead? I shake my head and look again, still darkness.
I must be then.
I sigh I guess I finally died.. finally an ending to my hell of a life..
I try to remember what the last thing that happened was, all I remember is seeing beta Callin walk down the stairs very mad. I guess he killed me.

I then start to feel a pull and look around to see a bright light. I start to feel pain.
What is this? I don't like it.
I try to move my paw but it feels so heavy. I try again and feel it move a bit.


I hear a soft female voice say and I instantly stiffen. Did I not die? Who's luna? Are they here to beat me up?
Questions just kept going through my head.
I try to open my eyes and I am instantly blinded by the severe amount of light, where is this coming from? Did someone bring a flashlight down? I let out a small groan as I shut my eyes tight.

"Oh sorry it must be really bright in here for you"
I hear the same voice speak out again.
I try to open my eyes again and this time it's not as bright but it still hurts a lot. Maybe I was brought outside and fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and look to see a white room, instantly I am drowned by fear. Where am I? I don't know this place at all.
I see a female in front of me and see that I'm on a.. a Bed!!! I'm on a bed!! Need to get off now or I'll be punished badly like last time! Beds are for people not dogs.
I move and fall down onto the floor in a rush, I wince as pain rakes through my body but it's nothing compared to the beating I'll get if I stay on that bed.


I shake as I see the female again, oh no she's definitely going to hurt me. I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to go on that bed.
I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for the hard kick to my stomach or my shock collar activating.

"Is everything ok in here miss?" I look up and see a lady dressed in white. Oh no now she's brought another person to beat me. I've really done it this time.

I look at the open door and without a thought I bolt it and squirm around her legs ignoring all the pain, I need to get away from them. Wait what am I doing! Oh no it's to late now!

"Hey!" I heard one of the females scream out.

I look around with wide eyes. I don't recognize any of this! Maybe I can just get out of this building and go hide with the kids at the daycare.
I look to see a door open down the hall and I rush towards it, another person comes in and I push past him to get through the door thankfully it lead outside.
The cold air hit my face but I didn't stop to catch my breath. I was getting very tired and felt weak but I pushed forward anyways. Dashing to the trees and running around to avoid them.

Suddenly a huge dark wolf enters my sight and I try to stop but end up tripping over my feet and hitting into him. I heard him growl and I instantly realized this.. this was an alpha... a mad one..

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