Part 17

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Mia's POV

I had a bad headache when I woke up, right away feeling ill. I raised my head slowly and debating opening my eyes. I took in the softness I felt beneath me, a wanting for more sleep became too tempting so I opened my eyes. I looked around the room and my stomach dropped at my realization.
I was on the bed again.

I quickly scrambled off, the floor much more slippery than the concrete I'm used too. I slid and my legs sprawled out, I landed on my chin. I felt my bladder empty from the sudden pressure and discomfort, but I couldn't focus on that when an instant pain exploded in my stomach. I felt the heavy urge to throw up whatever was in my stomach.

I hoped moving a bit would ease the pain I felt, forcing my legs to lift me up, I tried to walk to my corner. I got interrupted with a spout of dry heaving and I encouraged it. Pleading my body to get whatever was in my stomach out, but only acid came up.

My stomach felt so full, was this the effect of what they gave me? I hated being sick, I would rather be in pain than nauseated with all this ill feeling. I laid down and curled into my stomach, trying anything to ease the sickness. I looked over at my accident and felt ashamed. I wasn't sure what to do when I had to pee. I haven't been outside since I ran.

I was used to being inside a lot and had accidents, but they would usually mock me and beat me, telling me not to mess up again. They just leave me for so long though and I couldn't help it.
I wonder what they'll do here or if it's added to my list that they must be keeping track of.

I could hear footsteps down the hall heading towards the door, I really didn't want to move. Getting up took so much effort but I was able to quickly crawl closer to the corner and bow my head into position. I hope they don't notice my bad posture..

The door opened up to a female I've seen a couple times. The silence concerned me and I wasn't sure what to do. She must have linked someone to come over since another pair of shoes could be heard rushing towards the room. I was hoping it wasn't anger because they might do all my punishments at once.

"She had an accident, we should bring her outside for a bit. I'll clean up the room if you wanted to grab Nate? He'll know how to safely care for her but I can't link him." I get to go outside! Hopefully I can enjoy it for a bit but I didn't want to get my hopes up. My punishments might happen out there so that the clean white room doesn't become stained. That makes sense.

"I'll go grab him. I think he's just finishing up calling his mate" The lady walked out and shortly after, the scary calm guy walked in.

"Hello, it's been a couple days since you saw me." He came in and crouched down, still a good few feet away. "Did you want to go outside for a bit? We can walk around or sit somewhere dry. I'll be taking you to a different more comfortable room afterwards if you'd like. But you'll have to promise you won't run away"

I felt guilty about running off the day I came here. I thought some more on what he said and became more confused the more I thought about it. Why is he asking me? I don't control what happens, he can walk me wherever or just leave me in the snow if he pleases. I wouldn't run off again but I also can't do so with my leash on, wherever my collar is.

I didn't know how to answer or if I should, I'm not allowed to and it's up to him. I lowered myself  closer to the ground hoping not to frustrate him.

"Could you nod if you'd like to go outside? Or shake your head if you'd rather stay here. Your allowed to choose" I glanced up at him, wondering if this was another test or if he was genuine. He seemed to be honest and genuine but emotions are easy to mask, he could by trying to trick me.

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